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Everything posted by hellyer189

  1. Missus gave birth to our baby girl on Saturday :) 7.3 lbs

    1. Amanda-n-chase


      The fun starts now lol congrats

    2. Simoman


      Congratulations, kids are whats really important in life

    3. hellyer189
    4. Show next comments  72 more
  2. What attributes make a good day time dog, I use my dog for both lamp and day, iv never caught with him in the day but he does ok on the lamp, what are people's opinions on using one dog for day and night and any tips for the future? My terrier will find and flush but he taps and the lurcher will try and get in the bush and misses the run irritating to say the least!!
  3. Whatbo find irritating go way back.... Before the gun what I'd humans use to hunt.... Before the manufacture of processed foods..... It was all about a man and his dog/wolf ... The antis should read a book and look on there human history IMO I bet none of them work do they the voluntarily protest for pointless reasons... Maybe they joule consentraight on rising fuel cost and things like that because if prices keep rising them my dog won't just be filling the freezer for himself but for me an my family also..... Rant over
  4. How many runs would you expect to get and how long would you expect the dog to last before you notice it slowing
  5. I reckon a day time dog had to run harder and longer than one on the lamp but a dog on the lamp may getore runs in an evening
  6. Either I suppose I mean I use one dog for both day and lamp,
  7. So we all hear about people training excercising there dogs but at what point would you say they are match fit?
  8. Can if the live in the same house sharing Internet or stealing someone's wireless johnny boy
  9. The thing is people see a dog they like and a few weeks later it goes missing same with bikes cars ect! Get your own dogs! Or would your group kick you out at the very thought? Why pretend you own a dog! It's like a fat kid saying he can see his willy! We all no different your an anti!
  10. No shit sherlock lol What did you do it for? Your name came up in a conversation yesterday as well funny enough and it wasnt good u wont see me back on dont worry Nah nah nah nahhh, nah nah nah nahhhh wheyyyy heyyayy good byeee
  11. I have a load of lamb bones/meat and wondered if I should mince it or is it ok to give as it Is
  12. Ace Ventura pet detective!! Any one got his number?
  13. If mine finds a scent he wants then he's gone and a nightmare to get back slowly getting better though and yaps sometimes but that's my fault it's outta frustration
  14. Since I have gotten into this game I I've noticed that people will offer you there unwanted dog and say aw just give us a 100 notes I'm a tight ass at the best of times And eventually it gets to the point where they say I can have the dog free of charge I have said no to all these dog but makes you wonder why there so keen to get rid I mean some have genuine reasons but the ones that don't why!?
  15. I like a good all rounder 5/8 3/8 not to fussed about edible quarry it's his catch if goes on his bowl if I want rabbit pie....well got an excuse to go to the local and he can handle the bigger stuff...
  16. This is worse than being around the missus and her Mates on a night out grow up and just have fun lads the what it's about
  17. I have a brand new set of lexus lights for a vauxhall corsa c and a set for a ford focus, brand new they cost about 250 but I value them at about 120 so 60 each Or swap for lamping kit or push bike
  18. Subaru justy!!! keep all the running gear but put a swift gti engine in
  19. Hi I mate do you still have lamping kit for sale if so pm me

  20. Hello need a lamping kit, looking no more than notes if it's decent and depending on battery will need it posted unless it's in Devon.
  21. Where do I get ascabiol from? It is quite bad lots of spots and swelling so wanna sort it sooner rather than later
  22. This is why I keep my dogs inside best of luck mate!!!
  23. I walked my dogs through some long fields yesterday and come home from work to find my bull x is covered in a rash with lots of whiteheads all on his underside just had a look at my terrier and he is fine. He doesnt seem to be in any discomfort any ideas what it could be an allergic reaction to something maybe? If so what can input on it to ease it up. If any can tell me how to put pics up from my mobile il show you.
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