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Everything posted by hellyer189

  1. That would depend on the work rhT was being done, I like my bull x's
  2. I went for a walk with my dog the other day the it looks like the whole population has disappeared it the first time I have never seen anything
  3. It's not about competition it's about going out and having fun, and enjoying your dogs don't worry about the dicks that are to quick to judge.....love you flower pot
  4. To be fair i got him at 15 months he is my first dog and he's always been the same but has shown improvements, when I put a post on here about a collar people were very quick to judge which put me off, however I have ha him now for about 6 month and it's not long but iv learnt alot but still loads I need to no, if I could sort out the hunting up and recall he would be an awesome dog, lots of folk say get rid an start fresh but I'm to stubborn to give up and I like him... A dog isn't just for x mas lol.
  5. I mean he comes back when were walking, or just out and about it's when he is like you Sao out of the beam, if were mooching in the woods ect and he dissapears il whistle an he will come back, but it's when he has visibly bolted and gone after something other than that he isn't too bad just ignorant sometimes
  6. Right my bull cross has a massive prey drive, what ever he is chasing no matter how big or small, the problem I'm having is he will literally go through anything to catch what he Is Persuing and sometimes dissapears for 20 mins half hour, and il call him and whistle throughout this time and il give up an carry on walking an the dog will randomly appear, exhausted and it's really doing my head in any advice in how to get his attention to come back
  7. I think the expression is keyboard worrier
  8. What sort of sizes they decent, bloke caught a 8lb 8oz down here

  9. My dog would go down the holes if he could haha he has picked one out as it's entered the hole, but can be scary stuff he's a cluts at the best of times
  10. I'm out ratting tonight down the mother inlaws, iv never been before and just wondered if anti e had any useful tips? Thanking you
  11. just curious as to what your preferences are..... Do you prefer a good all round dog that does the job or one dog that is good at one thing, IMO I prefer a good all round dog one that has the spark to do it all not just one but that's me what about you?
  12. hey there im looking for a terrier for my partners mum as her old one beanie passed away, it will not be a working home as she has no interest in hunting and shes has a garden full of ducks a geese (much to my terriers delight ) can any one help we live in devon and the mother in-law lives in cornwall so can collect from devon to ass end of cornwall many thanks
  13. Good looking dog here to mate what is he tts? 25? hes 25tts
  14. hellyer189


    i design and sell bathrooms
  15. aww you beat me too it...... absolute tossers the lot of them poor dogs and they have the cheek to critise us about our dogs... i always though police dog cars had all the proper gear to keep the dogs in the best way inside a car obviously not!
  16. Wish I was about in these days so hard now to get away with anything All the do goodies ....line them up and shoot them
  17. cuzzz you wont stop talking why dont you give it a rest, you got more rabbit than sainsburys...

  18. this is just a bit of fun, funny pictures of your dogs either slipping, moleting other dogs ect ect let me start with mine
  19. I used it when I first got into dogs.....sold by the name however getting a clue moved on but still unaware as what to give as barf is in short supply where I'm from, and I have to order any decent stuff
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