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Everything posted by hellyer189

  1. Don't you feel like insurance companies are mugging us off!! They want 1700 for me to I sure a diesel golf! Mugging b*****ds
  2. One of my comments about him got read out on radio 1
  3. nah, my missus like to come out with me sometimes, if she had no interest i could live with but if she was dead against it and opposed what you were doing well id tell her to go f**k a duck
  4. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/othersports/article-2052712/Marco-Simoncelli-crash-Valentino-Rossi-pays-tribute-MotoGP-mourns-death.html?ito=feeds-newsxml not the video but has some screen shots
  5. yeah, havent heard anythin about a black out but that was his riding style he was right off the bike looks like he thought could correct it and just couldnt
  6. Completely agree, love his style, so much talent lost
  7. Marco simoncelli a top rider In moto gp was killed in an accident today! One of my favourite riders.
  8. when your writing a topic there should be an attachment thing at the bottom of the page thats how i always do it
  9. depends on the work in hand, dogs for jobs
  10. selling my xbox its the new elite has the original box, 6 games fight night 3, assains creed 2, just causes 2, need for speed shift, grand theft auto iv,call of duty black ops. 1 controller, head set. £150 or will swap for a decent air rifle
  11. i would have to agree with the others my old dog gyp i had at 15months, he had been working from about 5-6 months old picked up alot of bad habits that he would not get out of!
  12. ayyyy? was that even worth filming
  13. i tried the whole walk away thing and no lamp but my old dog was catching bunnies of the lamp flippin squatters hah
  14. no he just a chatty fecker instead of going when he got home did it on the way home
  15. had a mate bang one out on someones door step mid way through i banged on the door haha watching someone run with their pants around there ankles with somechasing him was the funniest thing iv ever seen not to mention the logger that was hanging on his ass still
  16. was browsing the web at work as ya do and came across this its a little old but just to refresh people memories, David Cameron voiced his strongest opinion yet on his support to abolish the ban on fox hunting. Now he is Prime Minister, will he follow through with his plan to hold a free vote on decriminalising hunting with dogs. In a BBC radio interview the PM described himself as a country boy at heart who grew up shooting rabbits and fishing and made his views clear on the subject of fox hunting: 'I always thought the ban was a mistake because I think it is very difficult to enforc
  17. each to there own, im sure he will find a way to make sure they end up in decent homes
  18. lazyhunter shut up. your making yourself sound like an idiot. this man is just trying to find decent homes for his pups give it a rest
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