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Everything posted by hellyer189

  1. the same way you can call a dog a faliure having never seen the dog work!! and ok lets change that my expectation of a grafter would be a dog that could do it single handed all day long.
  2. wonder if there will be a THL christmas do lol

    1. hellyer189
    2. Lab


      Be a great night!!

    3. johnny boy68

      johnny boy68

      Tomo and strong stuff on the door....veedublee you could sort the parking out.

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  3. you need to learn to read, the first sentence of what i wrote was a question, the next part was my opinion of dogs running doubled up all the time.....not dogs that do it single handed and occasionaly do it teamed up. in any part of that did it insinuate i think im an expert because im far from that......its an opinion
  4. Lol you just gave away a dog that scared of teath instead of culling it. whats that got to do with anything i said? were you there did you see what happened you dont even no what quarry it was, and so what if i gave him away does it affect you long as the lad thats got him is happy?
  5. Mother, "I think our son's gay".Father, "What makes you think that?"Mother, "Have you seen the skid marks in his undies?"Father, "Yeah, but even we have skiddies in ours now and then".Mother, "True - but not at the f*****g front"

  6. im still waiting for you to come down here. nicks been down We will sort something out pal, I'll get a pass off my lass as I'll phone her and tell her I'm away to jail or dead bleddy hell mate, well make it after the new year but dont be bringing down to many curs at once lol Will be pal and before the bear cub is born , I've only got a couple of runners now mate although I'll be filling the allotment up soon. Just need to find some TOP free to good home dogs to peddle im sure nick could sort you out
  7. thats my opinion aswell, unless the dog really doest want it
  8. please to no hes doing well mate...... that should shut a few people up
  9. I'd say its a jacker if it spat its quarry.Theres a few exceptions sometimes dogs have a hold on the arse and unless they release and get a better hold the fox is just going to be shaken while connected to dogs face.A long and drawn out battle causing unnessacary punishment imo. he spat it out and barked, recaught the thing 4-5-6 times. would that be jacking? Well if it didn't kill it after catching it so many times then yes. Did it eventually kill it? it wasnt a charlie mate, he has killed one of them since being rehomed single handed, we are on about the stinky things and
  10. when we go on the moors its like a f*****g shit buffet for my pup sheep shit horse shit the lot makes me urge lol
  11. I'd say its a jacker if it spat its quarry.Theres a few exceptions sometimes dogs have a hold on the arse and unless they release and get a better hold the fox is just going to be shaken while connected to dogs face.A long and drawn out battle causing unnessacary punishment imo. he spat it out and barked, recaught the thing 4-5-6 times. would that be jacking? Well if it didn't kill it after catching it so many times then yes. Did it eventually kill it? Oi thick c**t, try using that pea sized thing between your ears before tpying you f*****g idiot
  12. Yeah can't go far wrong with a long lead iv got like a 10m lunge rope. But even around the house I called mine when he was in another room and got lots of praise for coming, same when we're outside just lots of fuss for being a good dog And if not he goes back on the lead and gets ignored
  13. Yeah ideally no one wants a yapper but what if the dog gets stuck in and yaps out of frustration when bit but gets stuck back in.....
  14. Would you class dogs that always ran doubled up grafters? I wouldn't personally. How many on here that have posted run there dogs single handed on.
  15. in my opinion the dog will always find the easiest way through weather its over or under ect ect
  16. i threw a freshly caught rabbit in the field for my dog and he brough it back every time, i think the main thing is not to do too much and always end on a high, with the whole rabbit it took two or three attempts with a bit of persuation so its good to have a strog recall and a good bond with the dog, my avatar picture is him bringing back the rabbit and i did it on the lamp aswell
  17. my pup is just over 4 months old and hes 21tts and can easily clear the baby gate no problem, but for the minute jumping isnt my main priority i want recall and retrive more than anything. my dog liked the ball but loves the rabbit skin alot more so if you got one id use that.
  18. what are you using for retrieve, i use a a latex glove filled with rice the sew a rabbit skin around it works well my pup is getting there mostly brings it back to hand but will occasionally drop it at my feet
  19. spose its that old saying one mans trash is another mans treasure
  20. if he could of fit he would of, couple of times iv had to pull him out of holes
  21. what about a dog that barks but keeps going it?
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