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Everything posted by neil82

  1. you all need to attend one of these meets, the scheming and plotting by some people is amazing, we have the phantom turret twizzler who guarantees to make you question your guns zero, the chainsaw gang who hope the lack of sleep makes you bleary eyed in the comps, and the forum photographer, who will provide you with a great pic for your profile but his real intent is to blind you with the flash of his camera so you can`t see anything afterwards, great fun,
  2. stick me and Ann down for it, want firewood again?
  3. `with the mag out,cycle the bolt and look to see if the cocking arm actually moves, have had the bolt that secures the rollers (look in the diagram., part no 18)shear off, made out of plastic i think, drilled mine out from the other side with a blunt bit, no damage to the thread so ground down a cap head screw to fit, never had any other problem with it since (except for switching to .177 so its only had about 5k pellets through it)
  4. my take on this is that people who complain about it fall into 2 types,,,those who can`t afford to employ the clever accountants and those who never thought about it themselves, another thing is Piggot and Dodd were done for tax evasion not tax avoidance one is clever planning, the other is downright lying
  5. brilliant pics, but must only be about 1 % of what you took, can i pinch 1 for my profile piccy (and if so, how the hell do i do it)
  6. big advantage of fac air if using a pump is you get a lot fitter and end up with shoulders like a gorilla, better off finding what a sub 12 gun will actually do when used properly
  7. had a great time, ann`s chuffed over her shooting, looking foreward to darryl posting probably a hundred gigs of photos, his camera flash seemed to be going off non stop(shame no-one got a pic of him testing the shooting chair at the prize giving), if a date is set for another meet this summer let me know and i`ll try and sort out the firewood again
  8. depends on what you want, if new then your looking the springer route, if you will consider used then you can get a bloody good pcp for this money, s200 or s400 is within this price range, and should come with a scope for that money (quality of scope mite a little suss tho), only thing you need to think about if going the pcp route is filling the gun, pumps or bottles cost more, as an example a mate of mine has an s400 for sale, walnut stock, bloody thing is pinpoint accurate with crossman premier heavy pellets and would probably take £250 for it, am tempted to get it myself but allready got 5
  9. Neil, I think if you give me 1 hour with your Ann and my Laura together practising various shooting techniques I will have her hitting plenty of targets and surprising you mate. The offer is there. Si. was just going to mention a tuition before the comp shown this to Ann, she`s that excited about it i think we`ll be hitting the road about 7;30am, probably a good idea to leave her with you guys while i go and try and sort my air bottle out at drapers, 3-3;30 hour journey for me so i`m hoping to leave about 10 ish, get there about 2pm, first thing will be to get the wood
  10. think last place will be Ann`s spot, she only started shooting a few weeks ago, not even gone through a tin of pellets so far, wait for all the screaming when she plates her first target
  11. pop down for a few jars anyway, we can compare scars (had ops on both mine)
  12. bringing my saw as well, god help any trees if we start to run low on wood
  13. 1 more day of toil and labour to go, bring it on,just need to figure out how to load the fire wood, if we are using a split oil drum have there been any vent holes punched into the base,at the AA meet there wer`nt any and it seemed to choke the fire a bit, will have an axe with me if it needs any
  14. not really got any choice, nearest to me is tonys camo near chester, don`t mind the trip as it gives me a chance to use the indoor range but he had no spares in stock so it`s a case of grab things where i can, anyone got the post code for drapers
  15. really need to take the bottle + rig in, don`t know which bit is faulty
  16. any one know how far it is from the meet to drapers gun shop, need some `o` rings for my 300 bar filling filling rig, bloody thing leaks like a sieve
  17. live out in the sticks and have most of the local landowners on my side, problem is ,theres f*&kall to shoot there, the best patch i`ve got is 16 miles away but it`s woth it
  18. no need to be unsure of the answer, the dogs have a higher IQ than the owner, FACT
  19. no real need to have torque settings, just mark nut and shaft and when putting back together tighten til marks realigned, onlything i would do is use loctite on the nut
  20. right, just got home from a course in milton keynes, had a bit of luck, bloke right out side the hotel was ripping out some decking so i`ve got a good load of wood for the fire, don`t know if its enough for 2 nights but theres still time to get more, just have to watch the weight, any chance of the location for my prat-nav
  21. 2 weeks to go, new tent sorted, new scope on ann`s springer (try it out tomorrow), if anyone wants one i`ve got 2 spare airbeds going, open to offers on the day, also got a doghouse pop-up blind i never use(only put it up once, was too much hassle folding the f*****r back up) anyone want to see it you fold it back up afterwards also whats the arrangements for the camp fire, is it oildrums, only asking to get an idea of what sort of sized timber to gather
  22. there are formulas available to calculate fills, but take it from me, an s200 in either 177 or 22 will not use up a 11l 300 bar fill in twelve months unless your going to shoot over 10,000 pellets a year, if you`ve yet to buy a bottle then the only thing i can reccomend is buy the biggest you can afford, lasts longer and makes the hassle of getting it refilled a bit easier to handle
  23. I hope there's a consolation prize :-) +yep, certainly is, if you don`t turn up we`ll post lots of pics of us having a ball
  24. pathfinder is a re-bodied d40 pick up, google all the shit there has been with them then make up your own mind,
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