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Everything posted by neil82

  1. neil82


    i use the shavette type, snap a normal safety razor blade in half, clip that in and scrape away, does a bloody good job even better on longer beards if your a bit lazy and last for ages compared to disposable blades
  2. no short cuts to finding the best pellet, stay away from the really cheap crap, try as many of the main brands as you can afford/get your hands on at a paper target and see what your guns barrel likes, out to 30yrds most pellets will do the job, its when you try extending this range that pellet choice becomes more critical
  3. usual sheite with this, the recession hit the big money people first and they were the ones who bleated over it, eventually it filtered down to the working class and it hits us harder, when they say its over and the country is in growth you can bet your kids on it taking years before we see any increase in either what we earn or what little we have buys
  4. they may of lost a few prosecutions but when that happens, the costs are usually paid by the public purse (ie you and me), when they are ordered to pay their own f**%%ing costs they might start actually doing the job they are paid by donations to do, as it is i think if a good case was put before the charities commission and an investigation was carried out they mite get their arses slapped
  5. interesting read, some of you seem to have major problems getting good ground to hunt over,and major problems with keeping it, i have the reverse problem, got too much ground to cover and spend a lot of time trying to give pest control to all the farmers (and be seen doing it), any i take out with me (over some ground) are introduced to the landowner and their own permission sought, only proviso for me is they keep me informed as to when they go there and don`t rape the place of game, apart from that as long as i can look as though i`m doing a good job and the freezers full, carry on
  6. lot of regs up in jockland are different to england and wales, down here the sticking points would be:- if common groung shooting is illegal, next, if not common ground just unknown owner, how do you get permission to shoot from the landowner, get nabbed on that sort of ground here and your in the sh*t as the onus is on you to prove you can shoot legally, best to use a few snares on the quiet or let the dog run off the lead by accident
  7. not a clone of the maverick, it is a nissan with different badges and keys, dont know about the older suzuki`s but the newer ones with the 2,4 engine are, if anything, a bit better on fuel than the 1.9 diesel, cheaper fuel, more power, smoother to drive, cant understand why anyone buys the renault engined version
  8. not engine oil, think its a mixture of old cutting oil and machine gearbox oil, been sitting in tanks for years so any particles should have settled by now, probably about 100k gallons
  9. with the prices morgans charge, they can afford to knock a bit of the price and then their still bloody expensive, when i can`t get what i want through the post or need to visit a shop i use tony`s cammo in saltney, handy little 25m airgun range next door, the shop in wrexham is owned by his old man, used to go there a lot when Steve was there but not so much now
  10. is there any way of processing old machine oil to use as fuel, i know where there is a (very) large supply
  11. higher pressure in the tube makes it a bit harder to open the valve, plus the higher pressure closes it faster, you need to shoot a full string and map out the `sweet spot`
  12. done a treble myself, very good to get, the best part of mine was i was sitting down to roll a fag at the time and they all came to me, got a photo of them on my phone but have no idea how to upload pictures
  13. can someone let me know closer to the meet how many are turning up so i can grab some earplugs from work, big hall is nice and warm but does produce a few echoes :boogy:
  14. not certain but i think Phantom lost his somewhere on the friday night, might want to PM him
  15. ask if they have officers who deals with countryside crime and deal with only them, they are usually well clued up, if they turn out to be in any way `anti` as regards to what is legal or not, as in if they make it up as they want rather than what is legal, contact BASC, they wil either point them to correct legislation or try to get them off that role, if they point out that the plod is not able to do the job they will get shifted elsewhere pronto
  16. just reached home, cream crackered, stroll on the next one,worth every penny on fuel and soaking wet boots, never thought i`d be glad to put my work boots on, Davy and Chaz, thanks for laying on another cracking meet, just have a whisper with the man upstairs not to pee on us next time
  17. some fire wood loaded, camping gear and guns loaded, just need to pick up a few pallets and will hit the road, hope to get there about 4-ish :thumbs:
  18. how far is swindon from the meet, have changed the valve on my bottle but need it filling, no time to get it done up here, if it`s close Adam do you fancy popping in there with me to have a ganders (really mean can we go in your car, parking my truck can be a pain)
  19. half day`s work tomoz, trip to wrexham with Ann, work thursday, load wood on truck after work, travel down friday, should get there about lunchtime, yippee
  20. not for me to get involved in your scamming (or not as the case may be) but if you are genuine then post a pic of your mugshot and be prepared to prove its you, if not fcuk off, if you are genuine then get someone who has been on here for a while to vouch for you, does`nt help when you don`t put a location in your profile either
  21. first thing. get it chrono`d, next, clean barrel, if power is ok and consistant, then enter the world of pellet testing, if you want to eliminate problems with your shooting, clamp it in a workmate and shoot 5-10 pellets into paper at about 30 yrds, if you get a good group then its you thats not doing the job, AA s400`s are usually spot on, if that does`nt cure it, go onto the AAOC and see if there is someone close to you who could give it a once over (if the AAOC is up and running, they are having problems at the moment)
  22. thats for marksman`s curry pot, not sure about a blackberry and hazel nut curry
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