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Everything posted by neil82

  1. still waiting to see what surgery its going to take, got scan tomorrow to see what the options are, 15 tabs a day now to control pain and try to let me have some sleep, can`t work or drive now and don`t fancy spending all my time propped up on the sofa to sleep, pissed off does not come near to covering it after spending years working and suddenly bolloxed, got some movement back so spend most of my time in the kitchen trying (not) to poison me and Ann, right arm is the one that's playing up so can`t even shoot from a bipod,,bored bored bored.com
  2. sodding tablets, do nothing but sleep on the sofa and fart enough to keep a gas fired power station going, ok for an oap i suppose but i`m not 50 yet!!!!
  3. STOCK CUBES, hanging offence, call the culinary executioner please
  4. yep you need some sort of stock rather than using plain water, I would try roasting bones from a previous rabbit until coloured and simmer them with garlic and onions for a couple of hours, strain, reduce by at least half, season if needed and use that instead, stock cubes of any type are not allowed over the door in this house
  5. no real reason to use halal methods in this country, can understand to a certain extent where it comes from, in desert countries any blood left in meat would cause it to spoil faster., this may be a case of good sense gets written into religious beliefs but stunning animals in this and all European countries is the more humane method of killing, and one thing most don`t realise is that stunning does not kill, its still the bleeding that causes death, be it chickens, pigs, cows or sheep its bleeding to death that causes death so why not render the animal sensless first
  6. with the amount of shit flying around on this thread its time to say THIS NEEDS LOCKING AND PUTTING TO BED PLEASE
  7. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2924541/Fury-plans-use-taxpayers-money-fund-halal-abattoir-refuses-stun-animals-killing-them.html
  8. we get the same problem in wales, English now getting jobs here as real cops, should never have stopped burning holiday homes
  9. should ban burgers and kebabs. doing just as much harm to the nhs
  10. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/New-STRAIGHT-RAZOR-10-blades-Cut-Throat-Barber-Shavette-Salon-Shaving-/361183479035?pt=Shaving&hash=item54183684fb takes a bit of practice (and blood) but cheap!!!
  11. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/131406614416?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&clk_rvr_id=767023758657&afsrc=1&rmvSB=true read all the replies, brilliant
  12. typical short sighted crap, think of the extra problems with the health of the elderly due to malnutrition, shows how out of touch they are
  13. can see her kid`s next party being well attended lol
  14. neil82


    grand father allways said that when you prep a rabbit and a cat you struggle to tell the difference, just depends on how you cook it
  15. not really worth repairing nowadays, buy a new one, most modern ones are cheaper to run on leccie so that would be the most cost effective route
  16. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2907941/Moroccan-born-mayor-Rotterdam-tells-fellow-Muslims-not-appreciate-freedoms-living-West-pack-bags-f-live-TV.html does he want to move over here
  17. http://www.molevalleyfarmers.com/mvf/store/products/dodson-and-horrell-rabbit-pellets-plus-20kg
  18. slimming world have a day off I'm only 11 1/2 stone lol yep but your shorter than the pretend Spaniard, so eat your sawdust or learn to cook one handed, got one arm not working myself at the mo, want the b***ard cut off
  19. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/prince-william-stop-being-hypocrite-4796300 stick a no vote on this please
  20. neil82


    snow now on the Tal-y-Llyn pass, sticking there so should think Dinas is worse
  21. where to bloody start, old man in end stages with the big `c`, lost my job last month, shoulder shagged and no doc available til 29th, yo ho feckin ho
  22. take it back and demand a full refund, clearly not fit for purpose, stick the money towards a tom tom
  23. neil82


    first thing I`d like to know is who asked for such a long adjournment, if its them I would ask a judge to ask them why, with their high cost legal team its taking them so long to prepare, should think by now it would be easy to convince a court that they are deliberately stalling
  24. should not have to call for him to resign, should be sacked instantly, part of the problem in this country is twats like this arn`t sacked
  25. lets get something into perspective here as the general consensus seems to be hang all drink drivers out to dry, I agree that drink driving is a serious crime and can destroy peoples lives but all this new law will do is make even more come into the limit to be classed as being drunk at the wheel, do you realise that under this new proposed limit one spoon full of grannies sherry trifle classes you the same as the twat who gets into his car because he`s too pi**ed to walk home
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