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Everything posted by neil82

  1. neil82


    if that's the case then arn`t the police responsible for the preservation of evidence at the time it was seized, any evidence they nailed is deteriorating during the time that's its in their custody, this needs going to a judicial review, Dym, pm me if you have put this to your brief, would like to hear what his view is over this, what I can`t get through my head is how they can drag things along for so long when the animals concerned are still alive and needing care, surely if it was put in front of a judge he could rule that they had to go to an independent kennels, afterall their health see
  2. any thoughts about getting bigger dogs and fitting them with a saddle
  3. the band seems to be part of the problem, skinny barrel moves and the band holds it just tight enough for it to lose zero, may explain why it can be put right by slackening the band and letting the barrel realign itself before tightening it back up, when I eventually get round to fitting a 16mm barrel to mine obviously the band will have to be left off
  4. more likely the barrel is moving slightly every time it gets nudged, common problem with the s4** series, part of the reason I`m having a bigger diameter barrel fitted to mine, the only answer is to handle it carefully and check zero every trip before aiming at a live target
  5. very true, but if you spout out as much sheite as Brand does as every opportunity about how the wealthy are responsible for all that's wrong in the world you`d think he`d be acting on his so called (alledged) principles rather than hunting out every bit of publicity to promote himself, does anyone think he pays what he regards as his fair share of taxes as he so often shouts out about others avoiding or does he employ exactly the same accountants to avoid paying as much as possible himself
  6. that's David Dickenson f****d from the off, he`s not been white since the day he left school
  7. and do you think brand is going to be any different now he`s got a few quid in his bank account, the only thing that will matter to him now is keeping his name in the public eye in the hope of selling a few more dvd`s or tickets to his shows, if he was that principled they would be free to all unemployed, exploited minorities
  8. what does the 2010 manifesto promise and give that any other over the last 100 years contain, you could say that many from years ago were a bit more honest, and, to a greater degree, stuck to, but that is probably due to mp`s of old having a bit more honour and decency than any of the money grabbing career two-faced twats that are supposed to represent us now
  9. The biggest problem with the whole human rights act is, and its a fact, the even though it does give everyone (or tries to) the same rights as everyone else, the ones who scream the loudest that they are suffering from abuse of their rights are the ones who least deserve to be protected by them, how many radicals, terrorists, career criminals do you see dragging things through the courts funded by you and me every day in the media. what needs to start is for the majority to start screaming just as loud `WHAT ABOUT MY RIGHTS`, when are the rest of us going to start having the right to live in
  10. time ambulance chasers and human rights lawyers were forced to pay back costs out of their own pockets when they lose, might make the feckers think twice before chancing their arm at someone elses expense in the hope of winning, I`d go as far to say that all no win/ no fee cases should go up to a panel to see if it was justified to go to court first, that alone would (or should) lead to a drop in motor insurance rates if there is a way to weed out the speculative claims rather than insurance companies just writing out a check as its cheaper than looking into a claim
  11. neil82


    that's probably what the b*****ds are hoping for, and they rely on to win most of their cases, the fact that they can outspend pretty much everyone to force them to back down, the worst part of it is IF they lose its normally paid for out of the public purse, this stalling and piling up of expenses needs to be put in front of a judge to try to force them to pull their (very well funded) fingers out, maybe by trying the tack that they are trying to buy justice
  12. I don`t think of myself as either left wing or right wing, but I do have my own beliefs and try to stick to them, what pisses me off with politics is they are all lying two faced twats who promise the earth when knocking on your door canvassing for your vote and then either twist things the other way or blame someone else for them not doing what they promised to do, or just blame Europe for not being able to do something, FFS who makes laws in this country, who should set laws that govern us here on this island, who should be doing all they can to defend US, who should be setting laws to prote
  13. I`m not bothered by the ones that come here to work, learn the lingo and try to fit in to out culture, the ones that piss me right off are the workshy, the health tourists, the career criminals, the religious fanatics, the hate preachers,,, the list could go on but I don`t want to be labelled racist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. that's some seriously f**ked up shit, it takes some balls to go up to a cow with a knife in the first place, to nail 3 is scary, wonder if when plod finds him do they go in with tasers or firearms
  15. dunno what to do with my other half, after too many years in a shit marriage and spending years in a caravan out in the sticks me and Ann got together, taught her to shoot air rifles too bloody well, she can skin rabbits and squirrels in quarter the time it takes me, never a cross word is exchanged between us, just need to teach her how to cook now and things will be nearly perfect
  16. just fitted these http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/48W-16-LED-Spot-Work-Light-Fog-Lamp-For-Off-road-Jeep-SUV-ATV-Truck-Fire-Engines/271771103619?rt=nc holy sh*t, next person who doesn't dip when coming towards me is going to get his eyes fried, not the best for long range compared to a couple of super Oscars but one hell of a light out put, well worth fitting
  17. its not just about amps, more on matching wire size to power levels, turn a high power machine up too high and it just sprays metal over a joint giving next to f/all penetration, the only time a high power machine has any advantage is in duty cycle, and when it comes to welding cars and trucks up this can be pretty much ignored with any machine capable of running up to 160a with .8 wire, main thing with mig on rusty crap that you get on cars is cleaning down to good metal, and doing that without removing most of what was fairly sound in the first place, when I was at it I used two angle grinde
  18. neil82

    First Aid

    no need to put driving on the curriculum, most kids can drive, just look at the numbers who nick cars
  19. neil82

    First Aid

    be more bloody use than religious studies, any sort of bible bashing should be taught at home
  20. like him or loathe him you have to admit he makes the show, what will happen with it depends on how much of the rights he sold to the beeb, if they get their way with it it will turn into yet another pile of sheite promoting the left wing propaganda that fills most show on the beeb, you only have to look at how much of a fuckup countryfile is now, with luck he`ll tell them to do one and take his show elsewhere and they`ll let him loose
  21. Many of the bravest souls in uniform are plod,would you,armed with a stick,take on a gunman or a sword wielding twat,NO,yet plod have done more since their inception.Don,t get me going about the bravery of the RUC and what they have put up with over the recent decades,bravery is used loosely at times,especially by nuggets that have never been in a situation where bravery mattered. how old are you to remember when plod did that, nowadays even armed with tasers they won`t move until they out number all parties by at least four to one, and as for all the bull shit tv programs showing the bra
  22. i know cost wise there is no comparison, but every new air arms gun I have had has also been way under power, and after having 2 sent back to Rotheries to be put right and having a printout of what they thought it was kicking out, after checking with my chrono and the gunshops gear as well to confirm what they pushed out when returned for some strange reason the a/t fell off, if I`m going to be liable for the power levels, I`m going to be able to adjust them as necessary, just that after all the hassle I`ve had over it I`ll never buy a new gun again
  23. unfortunately, and expensively, very true
  24. welcome to the world of pellet testing, only slightly cheaper than a pcp rifle in the first place, stick to the major brands and if you want to be really anal, weigh a batch of pellets, clean the barrel after every brand, pump through about 20 pellets before going for the group, fill to the same pressure before each test and to make sure YOU don`t come into it clamp your gun in a workmate (only works with pcp`s), been there, done that, still got 25k pellets that I wont use except for plinking, have fun
  25. the chief constable was promoted before the shit hit the fan, he has tried to retire early but was told he couldn't before an enquiry was finished, hopefully he`ll be sacked but don`t hold your breath
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