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Everything posted by neil82

  1. Some may call them loons but the countries they ruled are so feckin backward and tribal they need a brutal cnut to keep the people under some sort of control, notice how things have gone tits up on a global scale since they were both killed!
  2. With any luck the UK can block any attempts to re-enter the country, the cnuts cost the UK taxpayer too much as it is!
  3. Some I`ve got in large buckets are starting to wilt, think end of next week I`ll be having a dig to see whats there.
  4. Don`t know if any one else has posted this but I think he`s got pissed, lost and done a Mosely !
  5. most of the ones I`ve seen selling excess produce want more money for it that M&S want for their organic stuff!
  6. Got 6 containers of spuds on the go, these are about 4` tall, had to use canes to support them, never had them grow so tall before!
  7. Any one got contact details for Davy, PM only please, tried messaging him but no reply and he`s not been on here for a while.
  8. The cnuts are quite happy to live in camps over the channel waiting for the opportunity to come over here, round them up and stick them in the many old military camps we have all over the country (preferably northern scotland, sorry jocks), if they don`t like it fcuk off home, burn the camp in protest then they live in the ashes. One very big fact people forget is NO-ONE has the right to enter a country if that country does not want them, same for leaving a country, a passport is a privilage, not a right, I follow appeals that are posted on line and immigration appeals must cost 6 figure sums
  9. neil82

    Joe Biden

    you mean Trump is Putins best chance of wiping out Ukraine!
  10. neil82


    Personally I bloody hope it never happens in the UK, enough people with guns who can`t shoot for toffee think they can hunt, if idiots start with bows the papers will be full of animals with arrows hanging out of them, you get enough now with crossbow bolts!
  11. anodising is a type of case hardening, easy to colour it, used to make small shock absorber housings and they were done in gold, red and blue, can`t for the life of me remember where, Coventry way I think.
  12. neil82


    Stressed out with a back injury so back on the fags, swear blind that the day I go in for surgery the baccie tin goes in the bin, with others smoking when I`d quit if they were smoking a rollie it did`nt bother me, but tailor made fags stank and I`d have to be upwind of them, joints though are another matter entirely, can`t stand the smell of the sheite!
  13. how long is your tongue to be so far up Fury`s ass from this distance, he lost fair and square!
  14. back to camp sites and school yards where he belongs hopefully
  15. Oh dear, how sad, never mind best actual fighter won this fight
  16. Anyone who races birds would`nt want any of theirs back if it was mixing with wild or feral birds, no point having a homing pigeon if it won`t come directly home!
  17. What are you using to sharpen it, a 9" angle grinder?
  18. Girl in Bala used to do it, ended up with part of the town evacuated when she brought home some sort of explosive device, took ages for army bomb disposal to come out to deal with it, made her a bit unpopular at the time!
  19. That was one hell of a shock for me and Ann to hear,, sadly too many health problems for the pair of us make travelling too difficult now for us to attend, hope you get a good turn out.
  20. When North Wales police switched to BM`s they forgot to take into account the fact that none of the current crop knew how to drive RWD cars fast, they wrote off a few before the penny dropped and they all had a bit of re-training (and as they are not technically insured, they had to swallow the cost of the write-offs themselves)
  21. May look like overspending to some but consider they might be in them for a full shift having something which is a step up from a ford shitbucket (don`t like them apart from transits). They also carry a hell of a lot of gear, are out in all weathers and some will be used for towing or pulling overturned motors back onto their wheels so a fairly heavy, powerful and preferably 4x4 is what they need and so choose to get, not sure about L/R products with their track record for reliability though.
  22. Asda is at the moment trying to sell and rent back stores, first sing to me that things are not too good financially and they need a quick cash injection, looks good on paper until the low rent period expires and the new owners want market rates for the rent, this policy has killed off many of the big names in retail we used to have far more effectively than anything else over the last 10 years.
  23. used to use a paint called corroless on freshly blasted steel, could leave stuff outside for up to a year in all weathers before any other treatment was needed BUT, as with all first coat/primers this stuff will be slightly porous, has to be for the next coats to have something to grip so they will all need a top or sealing coat if you want the finnish to last. Secret to it all is prep it properly to begin with, skip this bit and no matter how much you spend on carlos fandango top coats you`ll be pissin in the wind with it.
  24. neil82

    Weed killer

    good stuff, actually illegal to use as a weedkiller but what the hell, best bit is it naturally decomposes into fertiliser in about 3 months so great for clearing beds before planting other stuff
  25. was told that you could feed kitchen scraps to a pig BUT, all the meat has to be for your own personal consumption, can`t even give a pork chop to a guest.
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