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Everything posted by neil82

  1. about bloody time, maybe now they will actually stick to FACTS in their reports, not their own twisted slant on them
  2. just have to wait til his SGC is up for renewal and see if he keeps it now
  4. even though I want out and voted out I can`t agree with you there, if the people who voted them in voted out then THAT is how they should vote, not the way the party wants them to or their own personal choice but that is what the last vote was for, now they should put all party bullshit behind them and vote for whats good for the country for a change, , time the twats started to realise that the voting public is getting tired of their lies and b/s at election times
  5. under the cab they are identical, as someone who has worked for years in a nissan workshop this pisses me off, bit like the d22 engines blowing up they would rather hide their heads than admit there is a problem and just fix the f***ing things, the amount it would have cost to fix d22`s would have far outweighed the cost of lost reputation and the chassis problem is going to go the same way, scrapped one years ago when it was just over 6 years old, on the quiet they have been buying them back for a while, cheaper than recalling them
  6. when it comes to booting out illegals and criminals who have absolutely no intention of integrating into Uk society the first step should be sack all the judges who control these cases, they twist their own interpretation of the law to either suit themselves or spite any controls the government tries, second bit, stop ALL legal aid for immigration appeals, fund it themselves or f**k off, prisons, clear them out, stick them on a plane home never to return, their home countries refuse to accept them, fine, total block on any others coming here (but what we should DO IS STOP VOTING FOR THE b*****
  7. He is certainly very unpopular with almost everyone you speak to in Ireland, but and it's a big but, Ireland only has around 4 million residents in total and other than probably in Dublin they have never had to experience the shit we have in England. There just isn't the same pressure and that's a fact......maybe they have held it at bay because Ireland is such a religious country? ......the Catholic Church is still very powerful and part of day to day life. Who knows, what I did know is that if the Irish government had done to ireland what the British government has done to the UK they woul
  8. whats your user name there, pm if you want
  9. neil82


    Lucky fukcer mine insists on shopping in Waitrose ....... good divorce lawyers are cheaper, or get off your arse and do the shopping yourself sometimes
  10. never ask for any sort of legal advice on any forum that would stand any chance if it ended up in court but to stand any chance in this sort if situation its your local councilers you need to go to first (and when you find out they are either powerless or just plain f***ing useless don`t vote for them again
  11. the only thing on this for me is why, after being a muslim and then stepping away for a while, are you feeling so insecure as to need to return to any sort of religion
  12. I agree it doesnt need another law it just needs harsher sentances for any type of assault verbal or physical against doctors/nurses......some poor little girl trying to help you out getting shit pay for doing a hard job and on top of that has to put up with abuse....id chuck the book at them. another thing that's not needed, the penalties are already there, it just needs judges to apply them and not look for every excuse going to lower penalties, and if the reason given for applying low sentences is lack of prison space just kick the twats out who are there but have no right to remain in
  13. yep, get the hell out of it as soon as possible, trouble is the wankers who will negotiate leaving will royally screw us all up the arse and we will end up financing this shit for years, the excuse will be if we don`t they will ask for all the grants back, they should, if they have any balls ask for the money we have paid in back first
  14. is the guy who lives under a fungus in spain over here on holiday????????
  15. Due to the joints on the intercooler being pressed and not welded. In turn causing an indifference in pressure and causing the turbo seals to fail.Not disputing the boost sensor pal. Hence the oil collecting can intercooler joints were just crimped onto an o ring, same as most are using now, when they started failing the cost of a new one was about £300, we got a percentage of that as a handling charge from warranty, when they realised how many we were changing in warranty the price dropped to about the £50 mark, then they looked into why they were failing and found out about the overboo
  16. very early ones were held in with 2 A/T torx screws, later ones moved to a 5 point screw (bastads), careful what you clean it with, some carb cleaners leave a residue that buggers them up, pure alcohol is what you should use but its a sod to get hold of, my old chem teacher distilled some meths for me to get rid of all the crap they add to it, just rinsed them out on it and left to air dry, as for the intercoolers having oil leaking out most of that was down to faults with boost sensors, they were overboosting and blowing the seals
  17. neil82


    IF you get it and your capable of moaning then its not flu, just the dreaded man flu, full blown influenza is a scary b*****d, 17 years ago to the day I had it, its only when your told by your family how bad your hallucinations were, how much fluid they got you to drink every hour (think that's how I got through it) and you see how much weight you`ve lost that you realise how ill you`ve been, I had a nice new fangled (for us) digital thermometer shoved in my gob every few hours to check how I was, being oldies we did not know that 42c was a bit high, to this day I can`t handle cold weather or
  18. certainly not the same without the THL xmas on line panto, some of the punctuation and spelling made some posts hard work to figure out but most were hillarious
  19. neil82


    in what way, or are you just unhappy that its ended up as a yank bashing session, if that's all then its time you understood that the twats deserve it, they have funded terrorism in many guises for years, we ended up on the receiving end in the `70`s through the amount of cash and weapons they provided to the IRA and other irish groups, I for one am happy enough that they are now having some direct payback for their interference in other countries affairs
  20. probably all down to temp, if you do move them into a bigger tank in your living room it might be a bit steadier otherwise stick a heater in it but turn it down to low 60`s, coldwater fish will live ok in more tropical temp tanks but their metabolism gets boosted That's one thing you don't need with goldfish mate, they produce enough waste as it is. Room temperature is more than adequate for them to be healthy, water changing is more important in a tank and more so if the tank is on the small side. With that many goldies in a 2 ft tank I'd be doing at least twice weekly 40% changes with declo
  21. probably all down to temp, if you do move them into a bigger tank in your living room it might be a bit steadier otherwise stick a heater in it but turn it down to low 60`s, coldwater fish will live ok in more tropical temp tanks but their metabolism gets boosted
  22. size of fish (rough guide cold water fish need 20 square inch of surface area per inch of fish) any heating in tank, plants, lighting, any of those could be factors in the way they are behaving.
  23. newton`s law makes it impossible for there to be no recoil, it`s the violence of it that makes it more pronounced, that's why with powder burners slow burning powders give less felt recoil, maybe with air guns its down to how fast it releases its dose of high pressure air
  24. Like an abusive young man looking for money everyday living with his single mother who has to listen to him locked away in his bedroom coughing his guts up every five minutes, making her tell people he's not in when they call round, and his sister living in another part of the country bringing a young family up, worrying about what's happening back home, then a premature death of a mother, and grandmother due to some extent the result of a selfish stoner sonsounds like he had mental health issues TBH mate i`d say he had mental health issues, like many he was mental enough to think he could
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