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Everything posted by neil82

  1. just make sure the chrono is with you when you tweak it, but if yours is the AA version there will be the remains of a shear plug covering it
  2. but it`s not just a case of head teachers behaving like dictators, have any of you wondered why kids nowadays are such f***ing dickheads who think they can do what they like, rules of society and decent behaviour are no longer taught by parents, schools try by establishing rules over uniform and appearance, maybe trying to teach them that there are standards they have to stick to when they leave school and enter adult life, this shit started a couple of generations ago and now you have dickheads who think that because they can do what they like with a "f**k you" attitude it`s normal for their
  3. unless it has changed with most of them you don`t own the fuel cell, you rent it (at least that's how Nissan worked it)
  4. my own opinion is that electric IS the way to go, but the range needs to increase vastly and there is a need to standardise the power cell so you can pull up, swap out the power unit and be on your way smartly, as long as the re-charge time is so long compared to the range they are a dead duck, OK if your in big towns or cities but if you live out in the sticks they are a waste of time and money
  5. we`re easy going here, anyone welcome, you should have noticed that by now, if not f/off back over Offa`s dyke
  6. thing with sticking it in auto is it will only go into 4wd when it`s needed rather than you waiting for the wheels to spin and think "oh shit", it can cost MPG if conditions are not good but there again if it was bad and you thought you needed to switch on the 4wd mode that would also cost, as for the most economic revs to run a motor at you need look at the power curves, peak torque is when an engine is running at it`s optimum, hopefully that`s below the max speed limit but there again, if fuel consumption is a concern don`t buy any offroader, they all drink fuel
  7. they`ll just jack their prices up to cover it, looks good politically but in real life makes no difference, banks will like it as more of the sheep will use cards over cash giving them more excuses to close branches, really don`t trust this electronic banking shit and until the banks take the hit for scams rather than the customers I won`t use electronic banking, young or old the same rule applies, cash is king
  8. parole boards are probably staffed by people with degrees hanging out of their arses who have no idea about the real world outside of the utopia that their university education has drummed into them, any notion that they may be mistaken (rather that plain wrong) is something they cannot comprehend, this is whats wrong with many systems that currently govern how we are supposed to live, the c**ts have no clue what happens in the streets around us but we still keep voting for the same twats who do their utmost to ensure it keeps going on
  9. why is there a big song and dance over this, who has labelled it homophobic, is it actually anti gay or not to call someone a poof, lets face it, he is a poof/queer/turdburgler, accept it or start shagging women you soft homo twat
  10. never found any of his characters funny in any way, only thing he does do well is choose others to appear in his shows, they make the programs watchable (hmmmm, willoughbooby, yum), the guy himself is an arse of the first order
  11. join any railway union, all the comrades will strike to ensure you get top marks at every level
  12. depends on how it`s edited, bet with the currant anti-hunting theme all over telly it won`t be that good for us
  13. pathfinder is the same as the pick-up, just one piece body instead of cab and load bed, suffers from all the problems the d40`s get
  14. why the feck is anyone surprised at the labour party antics, they want the socialist system here, WE`RE ALL EQUAL COMRADES`, yeh, right, like their utopian dream state, Russia, bet the politburo thought the same as they sped down their own lane in the roads that all the other comrades were banned from using, bet they thought the same when they were in what we`d call private hospitals having better care than everyone else, bet they thought they were equal when they had access to better food when everyone else lined up for f***ing cabbages to make soup, Corbyn is a total career politico dickhead
  15. no point at all asking where to go without giving some idea of where your going, all the english just think we`re a small pain in their arse but wales is a bit bigger than that with a very varied coastline
  16. good to see all the gippo`s/pikeys/travellers being so f***ing quiet on here over this, maybe they are starting to realise that the behaviour of some is inexcusable, time they started to stop acting like a certain other crowd and sorted their shit out, then they might start getting in a more welcoming attitude than the pure (deserved) hatred they get now
  17. neil82


    surely there is someway this can be put in front of a judge and the case be put foreward that they are using their financial power to drag things out as long as possible rather than staying to the rule of law, it`s supposed to regard all as equals, whats your brief`s view of requesting a judicial review?
  18. no precedent was set by this case, all has been done before, the only thing different here is the amount of publicity generated by the press and the amount of howling from the "life at al costs" brigade, one thing they forget is this was never about cost, it was all about what was best for the child, don`t read the papers about this, look for the court papers, they are about facts related to the case, not headlines
  19. i`ve stayed out of this for a couple of pages to cool off but you really are a deluded idiot who has no f***ing idea of the legal system where it applies to hospitals wanting to withdraw artificial means of keeping any one`s pulse going, I put up a link to the actual court case, FACTS, not the emotional bullshit peddled through the press to sell headlines, get one thing straight in your simple head, THEY DID NOT TAKE THE PARENTS TO COURT, AT NO POINT WERE THEY THERE AS DEFENDANTS IN ANY WAY, SHAPE OR FORM, THE HOSPITAL DID NOT GO TO COURT TO FORCE THE PARENTS TO ALLOW THE MACHINES TO BE TURNED
  20. try quoting where you have got your facts from before you question my reading of the case, I say again, your either an idiot a troll or a total fuckwit
  21. your still so blind that you don`t see whats in front or your own eyes, the courts brought over the yank who offered a miracle cure, he looked at the case and agreed that there is no hope of any improvement, stop being a twat and look at the court transcripts rather than f***ing newspapers and you might see what are actual facts on the case, I hope that you are never left alone to look after any sort of animal as you come across as the deluded type who would even suck the piss out of a dog rather than accept the fact that eternal sleep is the kindest option No comment no comment, your a f
  22. cases like this are taken to the court not to ask for permission to withdraw treatment, only to avoid court action at a later date, bit like the old hangman had to appear in court after every hanging had to be ruled as a legal death, too much is made of cases like this in the name of selling more headlines so who are the twats, the doctors who do everything they can or the lawyers and newspaper editors who see the front page
  23. your still so blind that you don`t see whats in front or your own eyes, the courts brought over the yank who offered a miracle cure, he looked at the case and agreed that there is no hope of any improvement, stop being a twat and look at the court transcripts rather than f***ing newspapers and you might see what are actual facts on the case, I hope that you are never left alone to look after any sort of animal as you come across as the deluded type who would even suck the piss out of a dog rather than accept the fact that eternal sleep is the kindest option
  24. you should read up a bit on what they have been discussing in the courts before making statements like that, to keep using artificial means to keep the poor lad alive is the wrong move, even the yank doctor who came over after offering treatment agrees with the decision to switch off the machines, to think otherwise points to mental illness in other places How can you say that keeping the child alive is the wrong move? It's incredible how people actually think that they have the right wether someone lives or not. Welcome to 1930s Germany why don`t you actually look into this case before m
  25. all you that are shouting to give the baby more treatment want to read this https://www.judiciary.gov.uk/judgments/great-ormond-street-hospital-v-yates-and-gard-24-july-2017/
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