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Everything posted by neil82

  1. thing with this is we are all entitled by law to own firearms if we have a reason to own them, plod has to find a reason to block it, all this sheite is just an easy way for them to come up with a reason for refusal, nothing more than that and the groups that take our money in the name of defending our rights do f/all to actually protect them. Not sure of the logic they use in their decisions, it may be that they think if they make too much fuss the law could/would be changed in a more negative way (bit like Scotland with the airgun laws) but the b*****ds could do far more than they do now
  2. thrashing is not what it needs, DPF regen is not like the old "blowing the shit out" runs, DPF needs getting up to full temp and then being driven steady to allow the process to complete, if that does not happen it sticks the mil on and you end up having a forced regen done, pain in the arse that the bloody things are if it`s driven correctly it can (and should) last for 100k before replacement is needed, trouble with them is too many farts buy them and toodle along trying to get max fuel economy, might save £2 on diesel a week, end up spending hundreds on gutting them with a remap or the extr
  3. not followed bike racing for a while but I think a lot is how the machine is set up for a rider, get it right for them and they win, get it wrong and they don`t, put another person on the same bike and the results can be far different, go back years to when Spencer won the 500 and 250 titles back to back, broke his leg off season so Honda put someone else on his bikes expecting them to do the same the next season, ended up way off the pace, style plays a major part in bike racing, far more than car racing
  4. this shit also came out when the SUS stop and search policy came out, if they spent a bit more time in school they might have realised that the reason a certain section of the community was singled out for searches it was down to the fact that the same certain section was responsible for most of the f***ing crime
  5. come on, did any of you think that in some way we would not be shafted up the arse without any protection for being the ones to vote out, biggest mistake was leaving ANY negotiations to politicians, should have been left to business leaders to sort out, unemployable brainless arseholes occupy parliament who get in because they represent parties not the people, until the rest of you stop f***ing whinging that you don't vote due to the incompetence of the major parties and start supporting independent PEOPLE and vote for them you will continually get what you deserve
  6. miss my biking days, so far around here the score is 8 dead this year with the busiest time of summer to come,will stick to the mazda 4x4 and look foreward to being alive to claim a pension
  7. same as all the other chains no matter what trade they are in, once they get big, shareholders dividends and board members pension payments take total priority over quality of service but because they are a big name people will stick with them, some of the stunts they pull put them in the same league as the p***y ripoff merchants but as they pay tax and probably make donations to the political parties they get away with it, motor trade is full of this shit
  8. get a similar poster up at the local doctors, personally I think this is bullshit, IF there were so many missed appointments why the hell, when you do get one, are you waiting around for so bloody long to be seen if they have so much time to spare due to missed appointments, and IF they had so much spare time why is a GP appointment so short
  9. no its not, this guy has a legal background and maybe realises that the legislation being voted through (on a quiet day when no f****r turns up to vote) has many loopholes or is too general to pass with no debate, would any of you asses call him a cnut if he didn't object to new laws over hunting and shooting just because some dick tried to get them through when no f****r turned up with braincells and decided it was not well thought through, you should all be very happy that any MP is there and thinks new laws need proper thinking from more people than the ones that turn up Fridays to sleep of
  10. have to agree that most food produced in any sort of factory is sheite but FFS, we, as animals, have to die at some point, why try to live to be 100 years old without the joy of a bacon sarnie, a hot dog smothered in mustard in a white bread roll, enjoy life but accept the fact that at some point it ends
  11. still going to be plenty of cheap motors around, thing to be aware about is some will be piles of sheite with dodgy tickets on them and others will be piles of sheite that comply fully with the minimum standards, buyer beware and all that crap, if your not mechanically minded find someone who is and take themto view any prospective purchase
  12. no, there is no way they can stop you taking your car away, never has been no matter what they say and there is no way now, they are not able to stop you driving away after a fail no matter what they say, the situation is this, IF YOUR CAR FAILS ITS TEST THEN IT IS NOT FIT TO BE DRIVEN ON A PUBLIC HIGHWAY, IT DOES NOT MEET THE MINIMUM STANDARD, nothing more than that and this was the same before the new regs came in, the only bit that is different is the fact that it fails is now going to be an easily accessable bit of information for any to read, either your insurance company or plod so you c
  13. it`s allways been that way, if your motor fails it should not be on the road, the only bit that is new is there is a fully traceable record of what its failed on and your insurance company and the police will probably have access to it, as for ripping people off read through the new test manual (open to all through yougov), some things have been dropped from the test, some standards have been relaxed and newer rules brought in to cover modern emissions standards
  14. https://www.judiciary.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/evans-v-alder-hey-appeal-judgment.pdf hopefully this link works, a few facts on the case
  15. neil82


    if rangers do end up in the same league as celtic how long will it take for them to end up in the same position that they were in, overspending on players, trying to buy there way with money they didn't have and plenty of shady dealings to cover it then things go to sheite, plenty of the same happens with the English side of things but they have the cash to get away with it, not really bothered what happens, football is played by 22 overpayed poofs who pretend to be hurt at every opportunity to gain an advantage, rugby is the only game that has some sort of honour and pride in the way it`s pla
  16. FFS this thread is going down hill rapidly, COURT CASES BEING CHEAPER THAN TREATMENT IS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT, some of you pious arseholes could do with doing a bit of research into prior cases like this before you start spouting the shit that this thread has started, if the Vatican really is involved how much f***ing help do you think prayers will offer, Italy has already stated it`s only palliative care they can offer, nothing more or less than Alder Hay are actually DOING, do some f***ing checking up on why cases like this end up in court then start spouting shit
  17. your absolutely f***ing wrong there, no matter what your status is on this forum your f***ing wrong to post bullshit of this type, no matter what costs are involved with any case the NHS has the benefits of the patient as its first consideration, if your own beliefs are life at all costs then they are yours and its up to you if you want to stick to that principle, dragging out a life to continue suffering as medical science is capable of it to satisfy someones hopes or religious beliefs is the act of people who have no understanding of reality
  18. made a few boring bars and fly cutters, used to braze tips onto lathe tools, there again at that time I was in a machine shop so not a problem
  19. if you honestly input your own details most of the population would probably get the same result, so why do we get the same twofaced corrupt b*****ds every time shoved into Westminster?
  20. the codes are specific, just because someone else has used one to unlock theirs does not mean it will work on yours, use the wrong code too often and you`ll lock the bloody thing, stop being tight and do it through either Visteon or ford
  21. probably more punches thrown and landed in the first 3 rounds that your idol threw in the whole title fight that he had, who is the better fighter, someone who turns up to fight or the one who turns up to dance, yes, he did win a title but does he deserve any sort of mention even compared to Bruno, no chance, when all the lovers on here extract their heads from his arse so he can get down to any sort of training he should stick to what suits him, back yards of pubs and public parks with all the rest of his admirers filming it all for u-tube
  22. OUTBOXED, what f***ing deluded planet are you Tyson arse sniffers on, what he did with Vlad was not boxing, it was a clever game plan that worked, the amount of crap spouted on here about him should be turned into a vid and stuck on u-tube, comedy or fiction section, someone run a poll on that and see what happens
  23. fury might have what, lasted one round with any of the fighters you mention there, how big is his arse that so many of you can have your heads stuck up it, he was lucky and had a good game plan to reach the level he did but a good boxer at world level, dream on
  24. neil82

    Free tidy up

    and this is the reason fuckall gets done without spending stupid ammounts of money on studies and assessments first
  25. neil82

    Free tidy up

    done this sort of thing behind the flats where I live, from bitter experience I can tell you the only tawt from the local council with a brain cell will be the one trying to figure out how to charge you something out of it, best bet is go direct to the press and drum up public support, shame the b*****ds into not being so obstructive to people trying to improve their area`s
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