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Everything posted by Maddog1986

  1. Whippet pup or young whippet ready to train on the lamp or one what is trained on the lamp wanted In Cumbria
  2. Has anybody used engemycin antibiotic spray before to treat cuts and wounds on your dogs because i went to the vet today and asked for purple spray and they gave me engemycin blue antibiotic spray? Atb maddog1986
  3. I own a first cross Alaunt greyhound and he catches rabbits with ease and takes all quarry aswell he ain't jibbed on me once he's literally the best trained dog I've seen he's soft as out has the perfect recall and he ain't scared of teeth he blitzs everything he sees single handed he don't need know help and it makes me laugh when my mates are doubleing up 2 first cross Bullxs on a fox when my dog munches dem on his own 4 fun lol if anything he's taken all quarry and i mean all quarry single handed he's quite the handy tool for drawing [bANNED TEXT] the terriers atb maddog1986 p.s I'm not kno
  4. Alot of lads In maryport Cumbria keep Minshaw lurchers and have a high catch rate and they swear by them and they say there bred from the old Minshaw bloodline i bought a Minshaw pup from a lad from maryport and he took me to numerous houses showing me Minshaw dogs from different generations what were related to the pup and there was a 13yrold Minshaw bitch still catching long ears day and night i ended up giving the dog back to him when it was 10months old because it totally destroyed my kennel and it was very immature but everyone In Cumbria round my way seem to have them lol atb with people
  5. Blackdogtrading Sell good slip leads i use a fcuk the ban coursing slip lead and i paid £17.50 for it and it's never let me down once and they are made to the highest quality and would recommend buying 1 and they last for years lol
  6. I gone and bought a webley and scotts fox frenzy fox caller it's the same as a foxcalluk one , I went to a field were there is foxes and started squeaking and a cub popped it's head up through the bush next to the sett so I carried on squeaking and the fox was strutting down the field to were I was lol like I said I was only testing the squeaker out to my success lol and the little bugger is still alive for another day
  7. I've tried it with my hands and I can't do it lol cheers fox-stoper ole give one of those a try atb Marra goodluck with the coming season
  8. Why is there always a sad b*****d that thinks he's funny when hes probaly never seen a fox let alone lamped one
  9. Hello I'm after buying a good squeaker for calling in foxes I was wondering which one everyone else uses tryed and tested what does the job ? Atb maddog1986
  10. Cheers Graham4877 that's the best advice someone has given me cheers Marra atb hope you have a great season when it starts
  11. It's got to the point that loads of people poach there everynight that as soon as you turn the lamp on the rabbits have all gone even this years young are lamp shy lol The fields are over run with bunnies but like I said literally lamp on rabbits gone lol
  12. Hello everyone can you tell me what filter is best to use once the rabbits are lamp shy with the red filter on atb maddog1986
  13. Nice looking bitch you have there Marra atb [bANNED TEXT] her
  14. Cheers for the replies atb maddog1986
  15. Hello I've got a Bullx bitch who's in season and she won't lamp nomore or do daytime rabbits is this common with bitches while in season it's very frustrating as I like to go out with the dogs 3 times a week on the lamp and chase daytime bunnies every day now she won't do eigther is this natural thing for bitches as ive only kept male dogs n not bitchs does this happen to alot of people ? Atb maddog1986
  16. Nice looking dog Marra atb with the sale
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