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Everything posted by king123

  1. i use a cree with the air gun i think there good
  2. I always get asked if my blue eyed bitch is blind and the one that made me laugh when a lady said to me she has blue eyes is she retarded.
  3. One of the worst incidents I've had with wire was straight wire, it was annoying as I was walking her on an old trailway and she went after a rabbit and went up this Incline and jumped the wire easy then the rabbit turned around and came back down again and she hit the wire give the rabbit time to pop down a hole a few stitches later it had healed up
  4. grab the back legs or saddle and arch your other hand over the head behind the eyes in front of the ears with your to fingers under its jaw twist and pull in one quick motion if done correctly should take seconds hope that helps
  5. how old is the dog?, sounds like you have had the right idea but when i had trouble with one of my dogs on recall when she was a pup i used a whistle and those cheep tinned sausages as treats and had her on a training lead or a strong exstendable lead and would change direction quickly and whistle her or call her name but tried to make it fun for her hope it helps.
  6. I enjoyed reading the write up about roxy and when went out ferreting has she been out much more and any inprovement?
  7. last time i measured her she was 22 1/2
  8. yeah i ve seen a dog ripp straight through on and wear it like a neckless after a rabbit
  9. hey yeah she is a heavier dog but still fast she retrieves well not so much possessive with me but with the dogs she is as shes a very dominant i have had all the long nets out and she over them like a treat ive had her out ferreting once she was nice and steady also i had her out beating to get her used to the guns bangs shouting and strange men and dogs and it was also great to get her hunting up really well.
  10. no, collie x grey / deer x grey i am looking forward to next season
  11. shes a smart little dog she takes in every thing i teach her
  12. as willow has grown abit i thought i would share a few pictures of her
  13. 10 months there getting older roxy looks great , I keep meaning to get willow out with the ferrets but I just don't have the time at the Mo , it's crazy how small they are a I put her next to her brother and he towerd over her I am certainly looking toward to the seasons ahead with her
  14. Yeah willow loves her distractions when training. But she loves her rabbit skin covered dummys she got over with ease so I got my long nets out and showed her on comand and she got it within ten mins , my nan loves her she wants to take her home at times is oso tempting but she will get there .
  15. Lovely dogs mate ,how's she getting on with her training she's an inch taller than her sister
  16. nice pup mate looks like its gunna be strong
  17. i like have a lurcher out with me when ferreting but a terrier some times makes there job easier
  18. My friend had a border,was a decent ferreting dog.The 2 borders iv seen work were both very game and 1 was as good at ratting as any terrier iv ever seen.Dont know why their not more popular with working terrier lads... I`ve seen one work it was a great dog to have around, i find them abit more calmer than other terriers might just be me i would love to get one in the future. did you know if the border which was used on ratting was any good with ferrets?
  19. yeah she is but she likes to play rough with my other two she is a dominant one, shes rough coated with guard hairs coming out.
  20. Has anyone used a border terrier when ferreting?
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