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Everything posted by cheesegreater

  1. sounds good fella where ya based :yes: my price range pm if prefered
  2. stays with red till dug , 100% marks rabbit , broke to ferret , unsteady with kids , selling because its a womble , mid season , something does not add up and does the work of a spaniel / lab
  3. call a spade a spade bige mutts in some order ........... but dont get to complacent still watching ya .............................
  4. ....they say im a man of the world , ive flown across every tide .....

    1. cheesegreater
    2. nitestalker 28

      nitestalker 28

      squeez on it baby till my face turns cherry red u rode me so hard think ive fallin out the bed

    3. cheesegreater
    4. Show next comments  9 more
  5. No bulls mate with cows. And my dog is gay I will have you know, he loves it. FTB
  6. you need that bit of maddness tommy ,i personally dont like too much saluki in them ,think it makes them abit shy i agree big e
  7. terrier looks like something a trawler would drag up from the deep
  8. f**k i had icey down as 6 2" dark an hansome :bad: :bad:
  9. have to agree with lazy .... what about you midget :hmm:
  10. i thought i knew how to handle my emotions .. until you lit the fuse that triggered the explosion ...

  11. never have pics up be 4 :whistling: :whistling:
  12. still working the geriatric dogs baz
  13. well MIDGET thought you had your on matches this season ?
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