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Everything posted by Birchdown

  1. Here's mine F*ck it. It didn't come out right !!!
  2. If it aint mange it could be a food alergy. I once had a border x lakie which had the same probs. Have you changed her food lately ?
  3. I've had 2 from Jack & taken a bitch of mine for a mating with Rogue. I kept a dog pup back and not one of 'em had a reverse gear.
  4. He certainly is. He makes i larf too. A very knowlegeable man is Jack when it comes to terriers. An hour or two spent with Jack would teach all the bullshitters who constantly slate the working abilities of a Border a lesson or two, and prove there is a future for the working Border.
  5. :thumbs: nicely put....deliberately breeding from stock with a major hereditary fault is a big no no in my view, and i'm really surprised that the first question had to be asked.
  6. fordson.....I've worked a couple of Oxcroft over the last few years and i've got a young 'un at the mo. They may be small as you say but but they didn't get pushed about. A tad on the hard side i'd say. And as bobby blackheart says...they'll do what ya want 'em to do, and more.
  7. Deffo got to keep 'em seperated now. Once they start they can never be trusted again. I've found in the past, 2 bitches are far worse for scrapping with each other than dogs. They can never be left unattended together again once they've taken a dislike to each other. All the best with them mate & i hope it works out ok.
  8. Totally agree with you there stando. If you bring'em on right and don't rush things they're no different to any other breed of terrier. I'v had terriers for over 30 yrs and a few borders for over 20 years. I just prefer borders because i find them a tad steadier and easier to train.
  9. I have 2, a 3 yr old bitch and a dog just turned 2. The bitch is a nice steady worker and more than willing to face charlie above and below ground. The dog is a bit immature still, and not as settled as i'd like yet but quite happy to face anything, a tad on the hard side but i'm more than pleased with how he's coming on. The point is, they do what i ask of them and i'm more than happy with them. They both tackle charlie when need be, and fill the freezer with rabbit meat. I'm happy with'em and that's all that matters.
  10. Same here mate. There's no point postin' about Borders on THL 'cos you'll only get negative comments from the anti Border brigade.
  11. Hi vixen, Borders should have a double coat so there is no comparison between them and smooth patts/beddies, and no amount of brushing will remove all of a blown top coat. It must be pulled to allow the new coat to grow. A blown coat holds water rather than shed it which is why i prefer to do the job properly. It only takes me 20-30 mins to do each dog and i'm sure they benefit from it when i have 'em out in all weathers during the winter months. The point i'm trying to make is, rhodey stated he couldn't be arsed to strip because clipping is a lot quicker. It would take me a lot longer to cle
  12. So if you've got more hair you'll be colder !!! lol. Correct....that dead hair needs to come out for the new coat to grow thru. It won't shed water and although it may look tidy now it will look a [bANNED TEXT] f**kin' mess in a couple of months time. It'll take fookin ages to get the coat [bANNED TEXT] again.
  13. Tiz crawlin' with'em down here in Devon. More than me 2 freezers can cope with !!!
  14. 100% spot on BOLSTER. For a waterproof jacket a Borders coat must be stripped out, Not clippered. That dead hair left in will give f**kall protection in the freezing cold.
  15. at £50 change the wire and a 20w bulb an a ten amp litho battery would be a first class gunlight Cheers bud, thanks for your help. I'll give it a go.
  16. Thanks for the reply lads, tho the first 2 were not what i wanted to hear. Would it be possible to fit a smaller wattage bulb to reduce the heat and give more hours lamping??? I have a lazerlite at the mo but find it a tad big for scope mounting. The 20w bulb is adequate for what i need & have chance to buy a nightsearcher + battery pack for 50 quid. It looks a nice little lamp and seemed to me to be ideal because it's only about half the size. Mike.
  17. Hi, i would like your youre views on this lamp please as i've got a chance to buy one. Cheers.
  18. Maybe the price of Borders has got out of hand but Jack still works his Borders as he did his whites.
  19. HaHa... only when Borders get mentioned !!! There was fuckall wrong with his whites and there's fuckall wrong with his Borders.
  20. She's only 6 months remember. Still very young. She'll get the hang of wots [bANNED TEXT] as she matures. As sallie said......persevere with the training.
  21. Each to there own, we'll have to agree to disagree, sorry for my premenstral answer lol. We must have differing coats. No probs dude.
  22. thanks for that friendly reply Busterdog. I wasn't saying your dog stinks just speaking in general. For the best part of 30 yrs i've had borders & border x lakies and stripped them out twice, maybe three times a year, depending on the weather. In my experience brushing will not get out all of the dead coat. As i said before, once the coat is blown it needs to be pulled not clippered.
  23. What's the point of leavin' the dead coat in ? If the coat is blown it needs to come out, not be clippered. If you've got your dog out in all weathers and graftin' hard, surley it deserves the best protection. A clippered coat dosen't shed the rain, it stinks and it's harder to spot any cuts or wounds.
  24. Fingers & thumb is the way to go. Don't use one of those stripping knives unless you blunt it first. You want to pull the hair not cut it. If its ready to come out, why wait till March?
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