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Everything posted by Ossie

  1. one of my boys had a tick in his ear a while back, fell off after a couple of days. ticks seem to go for ferrets ears, probably because it's one of the few bits they can actually bite into!
  2. congrats juckler, that's gotta be the longest passage i've ever seen without a full stop! my great grandad on my mums' side used to lamp on his farm in the 30's, using a car... he'd just drive it onto one of his fields, whack the headlights on & chuck the dog out! he bred racing & coursing greyhounds & used them for lamping. my dad lamped in the mid-70's with lurchers, dunno what crosses he used, he had loads of different dogs. he used to do up vespas & lambrettas, made his lamping kit up from spare bits he had lying around. he spent more time in the pub than he did lamping
  3. :welcomeani: from one newbie to another!
  4. good luck finding him. i have a friend who lost his spaniel in the woods down the road from me, dog was out for 4 weeks, but he got it back in the end. they usually know which side there bread is buttered!
  5. yup, drag hunts use aniseed as a lure, i remember watching "Countryfile" years ago, and they showed a bloodhound pack using it. antis are well known for using it to distract hounds. i see where you're coming from . i shall persevere with the visual whatnots. for a saluki x though, he's very scent-centric. quite often he'll run with his nose to the ground, nearly going arse-over-tit, and i've used him to catch moles, as seems to be able to sniff them out underground. he used to sniff out bits of flint when he was younger! i have a big pile of it in the garden that he's dug up. he'd just sni
  6. i've been trying to find instructions for making jerky for a while, nice one! next rabbit methinks ... just one problem - keeping the dog & the kitten out of the oven!
  7. :11: he's a rum'un, as we say round these parts. seems i'm not the only one having this problem! daft bugger used to get out of the living room window while i was at work in the summer... i'd get a call from my landlord telling me the dog was out ("AGAIN!"). when i went home to look for him, fully expecting it to take a good hour of traipsing round the fields to find him, he'd be fast asleep in my parking space! he does come back eventually, it's just a frustratingly slow return. i have a railway line along one edge of the property, out to the other side is a large field heaving with r
  8. Thanks! bought him mainly for his looks *bad ossie*. i know it's not the right way to choose your dog, but he's so striking, i'd have been insane not to have him. thankfully he turned out to be a pretty decent lamping dog, unfortunately he is quite out of practice now due to me having a bit of a vehicular accident with the 1mil candlepower torch we used... um, i backed over it with the car... and i'm too broke to replace it at the mo'. he gets plenty of exercise, at least an hour off the lead walking & running, and about an hour on the lead every day. a lot more at the weekend. even my
  9. tried that... seriously, he is weird... he just doesn't seem to like drinking in the house.
  10. yep. i was brought up in as very outdoorsy family, used to follow the hunt when i was little, went to all the coursing meets, showed terriers, went fieldwalking with my dad & the dogs all the time. my job on a sunday afternoon was to sit on the chicken that dad had just killed for lunch, and stop it running around & scaring all the other birds. i just went all wet when i got to highschool! around '94 / '95 the whole "meat is murder" thing was at it's peak, and i fell right into it. by the time i was 18 i was questioning the whole anti thing, the shit they do... and i didn't want to
  11. not 100% sure... i got Gyp at 7 months old from a whippet-owning family in wisbech. they bought him off travellers as a pup, in a bit of a bad way. i bought him as a saluki x grey, my lurcher guru reckons he looks like an old-fashioned saluki, and his money is on saluki x good coursing greyhound. my vet thinks he's a saluki x collie, but vets aren't always the best at guessing these things! he's about 25", can't get him to stand still long enough to measure him properly. he was quite an odd pup, at 7 months he was 21", but no awkward gangliness at all, no "still growing into his feet" syndro
  12. i think he just likes crappy water :sick:... he'll crouch down into the most precarious position to drink out the pond, the water level being about a foot below ground level. the bucket in the garden has as much water in it as his bowl, so it's no less far to reach. he'll drink out of puddles... he's just a bit weird really.
  13. Pearl Jam - Girl, but quietly, so as not to wake the dog up. don't want to have to walk him just yet.
  14. hahaha, i love my nickname, confuses the hell out of people... yes, female. about the least girly girl you're ever likely to encounter though!
  15. sitting down never even worked when he was little! the best trick so far, is running around in circles, squeaking. usually gets his attention. just makes ya feel (& look) like a complete twat. great great grandma was a norfolk fen romany, does that count? six feet tall, according to legend. the only gypsy trick me mum has ever told me is bread in your armpit, feed it to the dog. supposed to make it follow you to the ends of the earth. i just got crumbs in my bra, and a dog who's breath smelt of Sure.... by the way, how's the flora?
  16. god that looks like fun, getting after the dogs in a 4x4! wish i could do that here! closest i've got was pushbiking down to the woods to find gyp when he legged it one night... shame about the dodgy soundtrack though
  17. my dad always used an old petrol lawnmower, fair bit of oil in the petrol, shove a hose over the exhaust, and stick that down the hole. hours of fun when me & my bro were little, sitting round the stable block, cricket bat in hand, with a couple of terriers & lurchers for backup.
  18. my dog, but with a fully-functioning brain. a dog that'll drink out of it's sodding water bowl would be nice. my boy will only drink out of a bucket in the garden. other than that, i'd have a few bergamasco sheep dogs, if i lived somewhere a bit colder. or an azawakh if i lived somewhere hotter. i'd like to get a little yorkie & use it for the purpose it was bred for, i.e. ratcatching.
  19. new round these parts, please don't eat me... i have a dog, wonderful in every way, but for the temporary deafness that occurs the moment i need to get him back. i can scream til i'm blue in the face, i've tried everything, from patience to a packet of McVities chocolate digestives in my pocket (and occasionally waved above my head), and the little sod still won't come back. well, he does come back, but it can take anywhere from 20 seconds to 15 minutes. if anyone has any suggestions as to how i can speed up his response time, they would be much appreciated. by the way, he is a saluki x
  20. hi, my name is Ossie (well that's what everyone calls me, and i'm not going to argue with them). i live in norfolk with a mad saluki x, a load of ferrets, a couple of cats & a snake. you could say running dogs are in my blood, as my maternal grandfather & great grandfather kept racing greyhounds many moons ago. i was brought up with lurchers of varying crosses, everything from a 29 1/2" saluki x greyhound, right down to a little 19 1/2" whippet cross. i went through that daft anti stage when i was about 12, stopped eating meat for 10 years, only starting again last year. decided tha
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