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Everything posted by Ossie

  1. my little brindle bitch chased a rabbit into a wood & went head-first into a tree. out cold for 8 hours, came round, bit wobbly for a couple of days, then was pretty much fine, just couldn't turn her head as far to the left anymore! not worth the risk, i say.
  2. Ossie

    Best 3 films

    Withnail & I, Amelie, Go. of the top of me head. but there's hundreds more i love.
  3. when it comes to roadkill birds, i skin. there's nothing more disheartening than plucking the whole f**king thing, only to find it's a lot more mangled than you thought it was ... shot birds however, i pluck. unless i only want the breast off, in which case sheer laziness becomes the order of the day, and i skin.
  4. "a year for bone, a year for muscle: let them grow, then let them go". wise words from an old traveller i once met. i have a friend who likes to start his dogs at about 9 months. my boy didn't get his first rabbit til he was a year old. before then i'd let him have the odd run in daylight, just to get the idea, and usually on rabbits i knew he wouldn't catch. it just made him keener & more determined, so when i took him out on a lamp at a year, he caught the first one he chased (an august young'un, hell of a run around, but i was chuffed none the less!). i didn't get him til he was 7 month
  5. 2 days after the snip? my mate just had his monster hob (really, i thought he was taking the piss, but i saw it today, it's fecking HUGE!! ) snipped last week, and his balls disappeared. mate phoned the vet twice to make sure he hadn't been castrated. turns out it was just swelling around them, made them look like they'd vanished! swelling is going down, balls have re-appeared. phone the vet & check they really did vasectomise him, if they did, give it a week or two and check his nuts again.
  6. my dad half-fills 2 buckets with dry food (dr. john's maintenance usually) and tops up with hot water at about 5 every night. when the family have had dinner (at 6) all the scraps get chucked in. 7 he goes up & feeds the dogs. the working dogs in the kennels get that every night, plus rabbits when he's run the dogs, or been shooting. his 25 ferrets get the same. the dogs also get bones from the butchers once a week. my bro runs chicken sheds, but won't give the dead birds to the dogs because of all the shit in them! bro's little terrier x gets the soaked food, but no rabbit. he's 18 &
  7. my dad had landrovers for years, his old '48 was the business, just fecking cold (canvas back, spent a large portion of my childhood wrapped up in a blanket on the passenger seat!). he's currently got a 1.4 suzuki samurai lwb, which is brilliant off-road, as it is ridiculously light. also, the roof comes off, and you can fold the windscreen down, great for lamping off the headlights - whoever is in the passenger seat can shoot in comfort! otherwise, the toyota hilux takes some beating (and beatings!). go on youtube and look up "top gear hi-lux", and see what it takes to kill one!
  8. if i went now, my mum & dad would take all the animals except the snake, who would go to my mates' daughter (she's wanted him for years!), and the cat, who would go to my best friend. in the future, when my parents are gone? cross that bridge when i come to it. i should imagine my brother would probably take most of the animals. my mum has given me very specific instructions on what i'm to do with her animals when she goes - she wants her horses to be put down, and their ashes to be buried with hers. no one could look after them as well as she does, her life revolves around them. her old
  9. i know of a guy who breeds merles, has a merle collie if memory serves me, only met him a couple of times, before i got my boy, had a nice looking pup with him. works his too. the only thing i've ever heard about hancocks was from my lurcher man, he was slipping at a coursing event. said he had a pair of hancocks on the slip, they nearly tore his arms off. he said they really go for it, but can be pretty unruly. if you read hancocks page, it does seem very much geared towards the pet market.
  10. Ossie


    with those eyes, i don't think anyone would have been able to hand her back! my mate's wife has a pedigree standard poodle dog, big black thing. they put him out to stud, he's still not seen a poodle bitch, just labradors! £450 a time stud fee, the pups go for £650!!!he's got 2 sought-after champions in his bloodline, which is why he's so popular as a stud. my mate wants to cross him with a greyhound, combine the poodles' brains, boundless stamina & good coat with a greyhounds' speed. people forget that poodles were bred as gundogs - my mate entered the dog into a gundog scurry for a
  11. rook pie, i've heard of. when my grandmother was a landgirl at Pensthorpe hall during the war, they had rook pie all the time. not sure i'd want to try it though, but she swore it was nice!
  12. Ossie

    What is

    shit, loads of stuff! knowing my luck i'll get hit by a bus tomorrow! i'd like to headline a big rock festival, like Reading maybe. learn to surf. have a normal sleep pattern. sleep with eddie vedder. or at least sing with him. single-handedly talk tony blair into repealling the hunting ban. make a million quid. then drink a million quids worth of JD. streak. live in a cowshed in bog in ireland ( ). torture a rapist. then find out if my dad's theory about 30 ferrets being able to destroy a body is feasible . have a hamster for more than 6 months, without it dying. live in france. visit new
  13. just browsing through Youtube, and i found this: Greyhound Racing
  14. bloody hell! the vets i use are bloody good, not too pricey, and they are very realistic about things. the last litter of russells we had, one of the pups all of a sudden got really ill, we took it down, they asked us if it was a pet, we said no, they asked if it was to be sold, and how much for. mum said bout 70 quid, the vet said ok, checked it over, gave it antibiotics, had it back in in 2 days time. later it died so we gave it to the vet to post mortem so if another one ever came in with similar symptoms they'd have a better idea what it was. turned out it had pulmonary pneumonia. how
  15. castration makes little or no difference to their working ability on rats, me & dad always used the skinniest jills, they fit down the holes better. half the hobs i've had would get completely stuck! dad purposely breeds quite thin, long jills, rather than little dumpy ones, for ratting with.
  16. 24/7, for 3 months? gotta be Ditch_Shitter!
  17. and this is the guy who told me to change my socks more often! Jesus H. Christ on a f*cking pogo stick! i thought my feet were pretty f*cked after wearing nothing but army boots for at least 18 hours a day for the last 3 years, and only getting through 2 pairs in that time.... i bet you needed a chainsaw to get through those nails! they must have proper f*cked up the insides of your boots (and socks) how long ago was that? what prompted the non-stop boot-wearing? have you considered joining the circus?
  18. i found an old ruby-eyed silver/sandy hob a few years ago, he was running up the road... i thought - "funny-looking cat.." til i got closer! slammed on the brakes, hopped out, and he just trotted up to me, lay down waiting to be picked up. i'm pretty sure i know where he came from, suspected previous owner being a right tosser with feck-all clue about how to look after a ferret. picked the right person to run out in front of! he got christened "Ruby Roadkill"....
  19. good solid-looking pup the absolute spit of my boy when he was younger!
  20. jills will be fine together, although they can occasionally be a bit nippy towards humans. also, they NEED to be mated to bring them out of season, otherwise they get infected wombs, which lead to septicaemia - by the time you realise they're ill, it's usually too late. if you don't want kits, your options are: spay them, or mate them with a vasectomised hob (if you can find one!). one of my friends has just had his hob vasectomised so he doesn't need to spay his jills. 2 hobs will live together happily if they are both castrated. hobs are usually more laid back with people than jills, castrat
  21. i've got an old bedsock (nice & thick) over one pens bottle. the other pens bottle just doesn't freeze, i can't figure out why, but i'm not going to complain! the other 2 have a dish, i just go out first thing, knock the ice out & refill it.
  22. through the ingenious use of string, masking tape, and a bin, i manage to keep the animals out of the oven for 8 hours, and i now have a pretty decent-sized bundle of jerky. tried a bit of each today, not keen on the garlic one, but the chilli one is damn tasty!. only one problem - i can't get the cocktail sticks out....
  23. "a year for bone, a year for muscle" an old traveller once told me.
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