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Everything posted by bobbyboy2933

  1. First one is a bushnell ledgend ultra hd 3x9x50" multi x £160 side focus Second one is a hawke panorama ev e3x9x50 ao ir £70 Both scopes are like new in mint con
  2. Unused fox caller still in box unwanted gift these are £100 plus £10 post I want £85 posted Pm me if intrested cheers bob il get notification on mobile
  3. Two sets of six pigeon decoys NRA fuds with holders like new £40 posted
  4. Two sets of cz rings £50 the lot posted
  5. Six month old bsa r10 complete set up for sale gun is in mint con along with the rest of gear that's with it R10 .22 Brand new scope Two mags Moderater Dive bottle Fill hoses And all the papers that come with it from bsa £650 no offers
  6. Ear defenders and tiga lamp and mounts still available thanks bob
  7. A of you lads that are intrested can you pm me please as out on call thanks bob
  8. Begara Folding Shooting Chair sold Ear defenders peltors electronic £40 Pair of cz 527 1in mounts £25 30 mm hawk mounts £20 Tiga headlamp batt and charger now sold
  9. Any body selling a cheap proton get in touch
  10. Will take a decent scope for my hmr in part exchange
  11. Pulsar nv 750 with pinto adapter and sony lense all boxed like new mint condionsion 7 months old its got the mildot recticale done in factory I have a external battery pack for scope and a night master ir lamp but these will be extra the scope with doubler and lense £950 will not sell the other bits until the scopes sold to give the new owner the first dibs it's best to email me or give me a call as imp not on line all the time email bobbygolding@hotmail.co.uk Call 07884292668 cheers
  12. Any body got any 30 mm scope mount to fit my cz527 hornet must be high ones and fit a 15 mm dovetail cheers bob
  13. Large gun cabinet wanted 10-15 gun must be police approved cash waiting can arrange my own courier email details to bobbygolding@hotmail.co.uk cheers bob
  14. For sale a near new pair of peltors electronic ear defenders with fm am radio model M2RX7A mint con with battery's £70 posted or will exchange for a decent ir lamp for night vis setup Bob
  15. Got my nv scope now so will not be needing this it a Simmons White tail classic Philippines model 6.5x20x50 nice clear glass good all round condishon no crimp marks and comes with mounts ready to fit your gun £120 Ono posted
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