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H U N T E R--B O Y

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Everything posted by H U N T E R--B O Y

  1. Whats the best cheap PCP multishot?? under £400 Just wandering Thanks Joe
  2. i have have a webley excel .22 but iam still thinking
  3. do you want to swap for another springer???
  4. Thanks everyone i went down to my local gun shop earley today and came out with a webley excel in .22!
  5. yes would the webly value max be able to kill a rabbit at 40 yards?
  6. thanks can you recomend a good air rifle with in a £120? sorry for the trouble and thanks
  7. Hey iam thinking of buying the Edgar brothers EB5/ hatsan model 55s it has 1000fps in .177 http://www.airgunbuyer.com/Showproducts.asp?cat=Air Rifles&SubCat=EDGAR BROTHERS but i dont know what pellets to use crosman premier domed 10.5 grams or the same but in 7.9 grams??? i will use the pellets for hunting rabbits at 45 yards. Thanks
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