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Everything posted by how-to-hunt-rabbit

  1. Hope you find it soon mate, im sure he'l turn up
  2. Looking like he enjoys a wash as much as my pup
  3. I like it, a little slow but looks sharp
  4. I have been on your site how to hunt rabbits and my six year old daughter knows more about the sport then you do under your falconry section you say knowledge is power if I was you I'd take that on board and get rid of your web site at least until you do get more knowledge. : FFS give the lad a break man , just give him advice ....jesus Dont worry my mate you need thick skin to do things on the internet
  5. If you think my site is missleading or wrong in any way please tell me, its not my aim to fool or trick anyone. I thank you for your comment on my homemade repellet page but I also disagree. If used in sensible amounts none of the mixtures I have listed will damage plants. It is true that some may attract ants or other insects I guess. I’ll update that page to warn people about the possible side affects later.
  6. I just let them tip the bowl. Wouldnt want to stop their fav past time
  7. I just used some old gutter pipes, but you can bend these like in that photo. Im sure you can pick them up from plumbing shops and the such.
  8. Iv used one of jultaylors and Nikis on Is a pet ferret right for you?
  9. Thanks Comanche and sorry for misreading your post. I see your point about the some-what obscure dog breeds but that page was about dog breeds in genral, its a google based thing idea. And your right farming hares isnt right, hunting and eating is what i ment... i'll just remove that bit or it will haunt my dreams. The next few stages of my site is to review my own content (mostly for typos) and to open the floor to user-created submissions,to help fill holes in my own knowleadge and make things more fun. as for that photo... Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  10. Thanks socks that very kind. You might be right about the the need to ask the landowner, i just read the law and it is worded as if it is a new feature. I'll big into it and rework as needed.
  11. Thats a great photo Atomo! I hope i can find a place for it Cheers again newbarn thats a gooden. Have to say, iv never seen a blue purse before Wow dogmagic that is a photo of a lifetime! Im sure i'll be using that slice of gold
  12. Almost forgot to say Thanks to smithie and newbarns, its nice to have a little support Also, thats understandble The One, so i'll grab some pics of my kits (wanted a pic anyways) and stick it here soon.
  13. Thanks for the reply Socks, it was more helpful then I was expecting. Firstly I would like to say that the site isn’t written for people like yourself. It is written for people who don’t really know and I cant use terms that might be unfamiliar and it has to be a certain tone not to lead them away. The new animal hunting laws do affect hunting rabbit, as you are now need permission from the landowner. Yet again, keep in mind that line was written for people who don’t know. I disagree that my article does not describe coursing, here is a Wikipedia page en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cour
  14. Many thanks Lawrence im sure it'l come in handy! Im open to Negative feedback Socks, what don’t you like about it?
  15. Just a small update, I have used one of Jigsaws photos (or a small part of it!) on Rabbit hunting overview Sorry to cut your old boy out
  16. here it is as promised Long netting Many thanks NewBarns
  17. Its pretty much perfect for my longnetting page, i'll let you know as soon as its up Ps, just noticed I didnt post a proper link above, so... www.how-to-hunt-rabbit.com
  18. My goal is to pass the 500 mark but have fallen short each year by the smallest amount. Last season we managed 476
  19. You have misunderstood why i use the compass. I dont use it to check which way the wind is blowing but which way i need it to be! I then check the weather before i set out. Plus I use my phones compass app, i dont want go throwing that away I learnt all I know off my granddad and one of the first things he said is not to believe half of what you read. And a nugget of wisdome from my first longnetting trip; if you fall facefirst into the ground because you didnt see a fallen brance, you will spook a fair few bunnies!
  20. Some nice snaps. Wales looks beautiful, I really must go some time!
  21. Just Think I should be gracious enough to post a few links to the photos of yours iv used! Iv used irishmacs polecats on Rabbit-hunting-methods Iv used Parabuteos Hawk on Falconry Iv used Vduben's polecat on Ferreting And i think I used some more but they slip my mind. Iv got alot of your photos saved but not alot of time to build pages But a big thanks to everyone so far
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