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Everything posted by philmcd831

  1. This a link to my staffie singing it's funny as I know it's nothing to do with air rifles but just thought you'd enjoy
  2. I have an hw97k and I'm thinking of gettin shot of it and getting an hw100 Never owned a pcp
  3. Let me know if these pics work thanks
  4. Lol it was just before dusk so I didn't even have to move too far from the 1 spot Was gonna upload a pic but can't seem to do it from my iPhone
  5. I was out on Thursday night for30 mins and managed to bag a woodie a maggie and a grey back not bad me thinks
  6. Might go out for a while myself tonight and try the waiting game as I always seem to mooch about see if I can bag anymore
  7. im from n.ireland ad bought a hw 97k i havent had it croned but was told its an fac model and should be around 18ft/lbs as for deiselig whats that mean?
  8. sitting here myself wondering if i should go out for a while
  9. cheers lads im still doin more plinking than actual hunting at the moment im finding it a bit hard getting used to allowing for the wind lol sometimes my sight seems like its spot on and then all of a sudden it seems like it needs ajusting im not to keen on adjusting it to much incase i muck it up altogether i got this air rifle around 3 weeks ago so im still a newbie lol also bought a bretta 301 semi-auto shotgun so i havent had to much practise im like a dog with 2 dicks lol thanks again
  10. I bought a brand new hw97k my dealer told me its a fac so it's in around 18ft/lbs just wondering if this is correct and how much of a difference does it make from a 12ft/lbs rifle
  11. rob it was easy im from n.ireland so all air rifles need a fac.most are in around the 12ft/lbs power but because you need a fac you can get any air rifle on it,i went for the hw 97k cause i heard it was one of the best and im happy with it
  12. Thanks for the reply mate have you seen the Ultrafire 320 on eBay it's around £30 I suppose you only get what ya pay for but I bought the gun brand new fs the wife would kill me if I spent much more lol
  13. Hi guys just bought a hw97k and it's awsome it's an fac so appearantly it's 18ft/lbs and I've had two rabbits and a wood pigeon so far I'm just wanting to know of a good cheap lamp that I can attach to the scope it's a hawke night vision any help would be great thanks
  14. been out myself mate first time lol feckin lovein it though i havent had any joy seems to be plenty of rabbits but when my stinker goes down they disappear think shes had a few kills underground as i heard them squeakin and took 30mins for her to come out but sure its great
  15. can this be posted to n.ireland ????????? not sure on the law Hi. I have no idea either mate? I'll look into it. Pughy. let me know
  16. can this be posted to n.ireland ????????? not sure on the law
  17. hi guys my jill is eatin well drinkin well but is lookin very skinny i put a hob over her about 5 weeks ago and she hadnt taken so i put him over her again tonight. was this the right decision?
  18. if she is preggers fs ill prob be lookin a tenner mate her vulva seems to have swollen again does this happen?
  19. was gonna go over fields the day but weather is absolute pish fs

  20. what you at boyo?

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