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Everything posted by philmcd831

  1. This is my grouping at 28 yards with my hw97k Not to bad
  2. Great vid keep them coming love to see springers in action So I know what I've got to contend with Any chance you could send me instructions on how you darkend the woodwork it looks great Thanks
  3. You say your from ards I'm only down the road in millisle My advise would be to see Alan weir in country sports or David in firefly both of which are in newtownards they will help you out once you get sorted let me know I have a few permissions that are almost to big for me to control on my own I'd say you will need an adult to get a fac for you it's £55 for 5 years you will also need a gun cabinet before they will issue your license ,from the time it takes sending your form of to getting it back is about 2 months Atb
  4. Mine is an fac model but guess I'll have to get it croned I'll let you guys know when I eventually get round to it
  5. I was told by a friend that on the side of my air rifle it says 20 pf and this relates to its power is this true?
  6. Mt mate is selling a pcp rifle not sure of the model but think it is Chinese made by bam he's put around 500 pellets through it and said that it is spot on ,he also said that it is a copy of a daystate and is lookin £250 for rifle,bottle and locker. It's around 8 years old and when I mentioned this to my fa dealer he said to keep my springers and go for a 22 rim fire Help!!!
  7. Had a great time mate thanks a lot my young lad came second and was a bit gutted at being beat by a girl lol
  8. I shot a doe rabbit on Wednesday and when I skinned and gutted it there was 4 kits inside I cleaned it all out and have it in salt water how long will it keep before it must be cooked
  9. Amazing mate I'd love to see more on stringers as that's what I shoot and any tips to improve shooting would be much obliged
  10. Cheers mate at least there's two of us from here lol I'm from millisle what rifle do you own etc
  11. Some of us can only dream of owning kit like that lol
  12. Went up today to my permissions and found all the fields had been cut Happy days I thought until I tried getting close to any of the rabbits that were out,there isn't any cover only the hedging around each field and all the wee bugerss were sittin not far from their bolt holes but managed to bag one ?
  13. Lovely lol get them on some toast lol
  14. Just wanting to know who's from n.ireland to add to my friends list incase anyone's selling or swapping anything also if not to far might wanna meet for a shoot or to exchange tips etc
  15. Only problem is I'm from n.ireland unless there is anyone from here that would be willing to swap I know a couple of dealers that would sort it out It's a .22 and an fac was told she should be shooting 18ftlbs Only reason I would swap is everyone seems to be using pcp Are pcp's a lot easier to shoot , I am quiet good with the hw 97 but no chance of putting 5 or 6 pellet in a grouping the size of a 10 p at 25 yards lol ( only think I'm quiet good Llf ) might get 3-4
  16. Mole you sure as hell know your stuff cheers for all the help and info
  17. Any suggestions on how to cook I was just gonna put butter on it and stick it in the oven for 20 mins at about 180
  18. Hoping for some advise I bought my hw97k brand new around 6-7 months ago and I'm thinking of changing to a pcp My rifle and scope set me back just under £500 but if I trade it in I'm not sure what to expect any ideas
  19. Does this count as 2 birds with 1 pellet lol
  20. Is it true that for every woodie shot at this time of the year your cutting the numbers by 3 ???
  21. As they say ya learn something everyday cheers mate
  22. Was up for around two hours today and didn't have very much luck,on the walk over to the wood I seen around 8 woodies lifting they had been down feeding,when I got to we're they had been the only thing I could see that they were feeding on would have been clover but there didn't seem to be much of it anyway There wasn't as many woodies as usual coming in and landing in the trees maybe they have found somewhere else to feed but I was say against a tree when 2 came in and landed right above my head flapping about with bits of twigs falling and landing on my head lol after about 10 mins of this
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