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Everything posted by trigger2

  1. Just seen this on my misses face ache. Made me smile
  2. A decent air riffle will fold them
  3. .177 the best. Anybody says any different then they are clueless. Fact
  4. Thats me fcuked, I like me steak blue and don't drink. Looks like its the bloody holiday ?
  5. I agree, Thats the beauty of using a dog to hunt, catch and release allowing one to take a meals worth of a animal at a time lol.
  6. Nows the best time to have removed if the dogs still that young it can adjust if it needs too, i believe the middle toe removes don’t bother a dog but it can sometimes make a slight difference if it’s a outer or inner toe.
  7. He got malamute grey different dog again from the malinio
  8. I use a cheap oil stone to sharpen my knife then finish off with the steel. Ive got 2 or 3 no9 opinels and only have to stone them every couple of months. Once you got a decent edge the steel will keep them decent as long has you don't let them get to blunt. A steeled edge is the best imo
  9. Rays buck is a decent animal mate I’ve seen him and another cracking one in action. I like to try these things out if/when I get the opportunity and the timing is right.
  10. If I went down that route again I would like to try a Dutch herder x
  11. Mali damn x coursing type dog Didnt have a great deal of pace. Chipped his tibia cress possibly damaged his Crucis ligament went to a pet home. I wouldn't have another bred that way.
  12. Personally I wouldn't bother trying to tape them i would go straight for the op to remove them. My op was £112 most of that charge was to put the big lad to sleep it was a very neat and tidy job done by my vet.
  13. They heal well mate. Ive had them of my dog you can get them back running in 10 days. Make sure you have a decent vet remove them because if they don't do it right they can grow back. Theres a fare bit of root on them I believe. My dog practically jacked it all in at 3 year old and it was just his due claws. He's never looked back since he's 10 in febuary
  14. It will more than likely be a contributing factor in some way, Its not until you start getting back somewhere near well that you realise just how low/bad you have been. if you can keep of the booze as well it’s certainly won’t be doing you any harm. Another thing I will say is if your confident this doctor has got his finger on the pulse in regards to how you feel then I would stick with him/her.
  15. Sorry for you loss, never a good time to be losing a dog but this early in the season is a right bummer.
  16. That will help you focus your mind better. You made a big step by openly talking about it on here.
  17. Fcuk me I can’t believe that place is still open. (The falcon)
  18. As a rule I am a dog man, this time around I have a bitch in my kennel see how it goes. The best lurcher we owned was a bitch when I was growing up but I usually prefer dogs as I said
  19. Clearly he wasn’t wearing his gloves when he commented ???
  20. They are talking about how to age venison and even beef. They are talking you through how you judge it’s maturity by the amount of mould that’s grown inside the carcass which helps give you a correct sign that it’s properly matured or not. the chap reckons it’s one of the best things to do with beef and venison to get the taste right.
  21. wtf are you on about. So wearing gloves makes you more knowledgable does it.
  22. I knew that pom would make light work of one of those stags, practically eaten it aswell has caught it ? ?
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