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Everything posted by trigger2

  1. There was some shit on the radio earlier and a chap on there not sure who it was said that if you don't support BLM then your just plain and simple racist. WTF goes through some people's heads I eally don't know.
  2. As you say BLM have caused a bigger division and made things more of a issue now than they were I think personally. All of a sudden there’s blacks popping up out of the wood work on programmes and adverts on t.v and other places just to keep the piece. they say they are being treated differently because of the colour of there skin imo they haven’t improved nothing. They didn’t want to be treated different because of the colour of there skin but they have pushed the matter that much that they them selves have caused them to be treated different for that reason. Best give one a job because
  3. Its been a great read this thread folks. Ive got a 6 year old daughter who is just noise sensitive unless she's in charge of the noise. Don't mind the t.v being loud or her tablet etc just as long has shes turned it up. Brought the misses a new car about 18 months ago and the one day on the way home from the kids swimming lessons stopped at the chippy and whilst in there the alarm went off on the car which upset my daughter, we had to battle with her ever since to go anywhere in the car as she just freaked out. Brought a new one a few weeks ago and shes sound with that. Moans about
  4. He seemed comfortable enough at my place, I would never in a million years of thought the lad was nothing but normal healthy young lad
  5. Your oldest lad king is he the one that come down to pick the battery uo with you. It was his birthday If memory serves me right.
  6. Thank f**k lol, I thought for a moement You had led a very sheltered life ?
  7. What about your fingers you must of sniffed them after a Friday or Saturday night with a bird during your younger years lol.
  8. C,mon you among friends on here you can tell us. I bet you've at least been tempted to do it once in your life
  9. What’s been said to trigger this debate off
  10. Drug addicts or foreigners.
  11. Theres plenty of places we can spend that sort of money on ourselves.
  12. We just need him to tell the French and the EU to stick any idear of a deal up there arse and crack on rebuilding ourselves.
  13. I've just seen Boris has made the desicion to slash foreign aid, sturgeon is outraged by it and has the backing of some back benchers saying he shouldn't go back on his manifesto pledge to increase the aid. I for one think its the right decision and about time we started doing stuff to help ourselves. We can't keep giving when right now we are in need of every penny we can get ourselves to recovery from the effect covid has had on us, and the fact we got brevity to consider also.
  14. Another blurred elusive cat video, no eye shine either
  15. Not a modern saying. But a saying my old man used to use from time to time when I was growing up was. Get up the brook
  16. It looks like it may depend where you are.
  17. Not sure how you can own half a tree mate I thought a hedge/trees are either yours or not yours. If its yours he's allowed to cut back any over hanging bows/branches level with the boundary but by law has to offer you them back.
  18. Dogs look well jai, coats shinning on the top pic
  19. That first part about Bryn is nail on the head. Ive probably seen Bryn run more than most and as far has rabbits go day or night he was a handy dog.
  20. Personally I wouldn't be too hung up on it being a stayer as the collie should account for that. Being a straight half x I would be more than likely to try a sprinter to try and ad that off the mark pace. If it makes a difference or not I couldn't say. On paper it sounds o.k
  21. I would fire a straight grey over her just to keep the litter a bit more level but personally I would be wanting a slightly taller lengthy dog from them. If you use the whippet it should keep the litter a smaller level. The whippet grey would give you a bit more of a lottery with size. All depends on what you fancy and the ground and work and quarry you will be working. I wouldn't use the grew for reasons I stated above.
  22. Is it just who thinks this but Where the fcuk has everybody's back bone gone these days. Whats happened to the good old days of knocking somebody's door and telling them if you've got a problem. This generation of folk crying about shit on Facebook is no good.
  23. Just seen this on my misses face ache. Made me smile
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