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Everything posted by trigger2

  1. This s why I asked, something tells me it wouldn’t effect the dog in any way or cause problems. I could do with advice from folk with experience in the matter as vets like to take advantage when possible imo
  2. Does a dog need a operation to remove its testicle if it hasn’t dropped or will it be fine as it is. Just asking as my nephews spaniel has only got the 1 dropped testicle and the vets told him he’s got to have it operated on ASAP or are they just trying to make a few unecaserry quid. I am amazed they missed it during examinations whilst having its jabs the dogs 14 months old now with no health problems.
  3. It seems these days there’s a label for everything. It looks like folk will even be able to blame brexit for there mental health. what ever has happened to the good old days of man the f**k up.
  4. Yeah it was ok considering. Cloud covers not forcast to stay in but the lamps charged knife is sharpened just in case?
  5. Generally with my pup I try to make sure the food bowl has food in all the time. I like to feed them as much as they will possibly eat and has big a variety as possible of table scraps and other stuff. I usually use beta puppy kibble.
  6. With the promise of drizzle on the local forcast I decided to head out for a hour or 2 with the lamp. I traveled a bit to my first spot and up on arrival new I was fighting a losing battle it’s hard ground at the best of times but tonight was against me as I would easily be seen by the rabbits, as I had traveled out there I decided to have a look on a couple of fields just to get some idea if there was much about. After the first 3 small fields and 5 rabbits later I knocked that area on the head for the above reasons. whilst I was there I decided to check some old spots that i had flatte
  7. I wear a pair of black jogging bottoms from primark for fiver, T shirt and a fruit of the loom jumper and a woolly hat. It’s very rare I ware a coat that’s me lamping gear. Ferreting I got a pair of snickers work trousers with loads of pockets for nets they are nice and thick and good for hedges along with me woolly hat and same jumper. Always buy decent foot wear though
  8. Looking at the stance and the keen look in its eyes and shape of the head I would say a collie x of some sort.
  9. It’s f***ing ridiculous, crazy thing about it is You could probably get away with a serious crime these days by saying your 1 of the other 98 gender identities.
  10. Nice one. It’s always nice to be back at it after the summer off.
  11. Looking good, She don’t look such a big unit in that pic?
  12. I really hope that there’s something boris knows that the rest of us don’t that will take us out on the 31st.
  13. Hope he’s still here then mate, because if Corbyn and crew get in before a brexit of some kind is sorted then the eu will be able to sit back and laugh whilst he sells us down the river well and truly
  14. You will have to pop over and walk the river before it gets cold mate
  15. His damn is a first cross Wheaton grey. His sire was saluki wheaten grey cross whippet grey. That pic makes him look a touch stronger than he is, he’s not too badly built though
  16. Just now. He will probably change slightly with some more running as he has only just had meat added back into his diet the last couple of weeks
  17. I will see if I got a couple of decent recent pics for you. All being well you will see him for your self some point over the season
  18. With plenty of rain forecast for tonight I decided to go and have a Trip out on the lamp. unfortunately the rain didn’t come as expected or even at all, up on arrival of my first spot I gazed on the temperature gauge in the car and it read 15 degrees so with that I decided I needed to take things steady. I made my way through the first field which was very long grass, next field had been planted but nothing was yet to start growing but that’s where the bunnies were and so my night started. I picked a few off and made my way round my route, every time the dog would make a catch I stopped to
  19. Still on the quest for boots I see ray lol.
  20. If wallin hadn’t run out of steam so early on than imo there would have been a much different result to that fight. If I was Tyson I would be very disappointed that I couldn’t put such a tired man to the floor. I don’t think Tyson would even fight wallin again if he improved on his stamina.
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