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Everything posted by trigger2

  1. what lines did you have? what they like on small and big fields? never been out with any good line bred whippets always with none peds 19 to 21 inches. if you put the time into them you can go out and catch double figures no problem. they can be ideal on small fields and can work well on big fields. catching rabbits on big fields is all about getting into the right position no matter what dog you are using, you can catch rabbits on a big field with a whippet as well as you can with a big dog as long as you are sensible and get yourself in the right position. ive seen some whippets wi
  2. ive seen and lamped some o.k whippets on the rabbits.
  3. whats a achievement in your eyes then? deer dogs had a hard life when they were doing them regular.
  4. she looked to me as though she will be o.k for the rabbits mate.
  5. And mine are............I even take them to sign on with me! :laugh:
  6. the majority of best dogs i have seen have all been owned by people who dont work. what a dog catches at the end of the night/day/week counts and for those that say it dont, imo they have never owned a good dog. dogs that do little work always look impressive as they put everything they got into each run. heavily worked dogs are steady.
  7. the dog will be up and running faster than you think. atb trigger
  8. ive seen them little dogs do some amazing stuff.
  9. atb with dog. should be some where near up and running sometime in the begining of the saeson
  10. when are they in season its tricky that. i always thought that seasons varied depending on colour and religion. i might be wrong though.
  11. ha ha i will give u 10-1 if u want kharn and i will have mayweather :vava: lol surley its a mismatch whats kharn thinking its prob because hes traing with pac man lol he must think he is a big boy now his balls have droped he wants knockin out big time all he does is fight shit so he wins thats a spot on statement.
  12. i think that the amount of bad dogs about these days is down to the fact that there are so many bad dog men about. imo the quality of dogs has changed over the years and not for the better, the true lurcher man is as rare as a good dog these days. working dogs is more a hobby these days for most folk.
  13. i aint bothered what people breed there litters for its none of my business and dont effect me. i buy in what i need when i need it. but having said that my last pup was gifted to me.
  14. ive met the lad i gave him benifit of the doubt and took him a lightforce lance lamp which i give him for free and delivered it to him. he seems a genuine enough young bloke who just needs someone to take him out. hes only got a pup which is fine fettle. if he lived closer to me i would have taken him out myself. Alright mate, dunno if you can help, but my Land Rover Discovery needs a couple of tyres, I still haven't got a telly since I split up with my ex bird, could do with some new trainees and the cupboards are a bit empty. Also, if you've got a wife or girlfriend, my s
  15. ive met the lad i gave him benifit of the doubt and took him a lightforce lance lamp which i give him for free and delivered it to him. he seems a genuine enough young bloke who just needs someone to take him out. hes only got a pup which is fine fettle. if he lived closer to me i would have taken him out myself.
  16. tidy looking whippet mate. atb
  17. i was told today that the same copper had the same thing happen to him 3 years ago with only one dog. and 3 years later he does the same stunt with 2 dogs. f*****g IDIOTS.
  18. theres 2 things to take into consideration. 1 how hard a life has the dog had up until now 2 how hard a life are you going to give him both these things will effect the dogs working life time. although he should have a good bit left in him but how much depends on the 2 above points.
  19. f**k me johnny he looks the part. i bet hes doing the job
  20. i dont see how its always possible to put more game in front of the dog by driving round. ive been out with lads who ride round on a quad and the quarry here the quad and they are off for cover before you are even in the field. they know what the sound of the motor means after a while.
  21. been around running dogs since the day i was born. i was out in the field as soon as i was big enough to keep up. my old man used to have a dog that wouldnt bring the rabbits back my job was to run and fetch every rabbit of the dog. i supose its all part of the apprenticeship. keeping lurchers runs in the family so to speak.
  22. i all ways walk,never had permission and im proud of it.PS the police in my village are as thick as shit,
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