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Everything posted by izzyrabbits

  1. just finished making my kennels and the dogs seem to be ok in it just wanted to no how some of you lads stop your terriers getting bord in them?cheers
  2. hi lads just wounderd how many people on hear use mk3 long range terrier finders? cheers lads
  3. izzyrabbits


    hi lads do any of you no of any lads near kent that breed and sell goshwaks?or where one is for sale?
  4. the jill is doing fine and the kits are all ok got them on meat now.i no i should have took her to the vets the second i see it not try and be a twat and save money but i did take her and yea it did cost me £321 but is was money well spent.and for the people who say foxes have never been near the ferrets the f****r was back the other morning but the kits are indoors and i watched him and he didnt even go near them at all.so it made me think maybe it was them that got him over to the cage. am not at nasty b*****d to them for people that mite think that for not taking her striaght away i wa
  5. wel for all you twat that fort i was being a c**t iv just got back from the vets and he said iv done a good job of keeping it clean he is stitching her up and puting her on antis and he thinks she will be ok.the kits are 3weeks old and they are doing realy well
  6. went out this morning and see mr charlie sitting in my back garden it saw me and ran away. checked my ferret cages there was no sign of any damage to the cages but when i got in from work i noticed my best working jill was missing a leg. ive had to take away her kits because she had stopped feeding them and the mrs's is hand rearing them. ive been cleaning the wound regularily and she seems to be ok moving around lots and still eating fine has anyone got any tips on helping it to heal??
  7. kill the fuckers mate i hate them
  8. hope you get them back mate f*****g b*****ds
  9. just wanted to see what you lads made of my bitch
  10. i do love you pisstaking twat lol
  11. that looks well good mate ill def be getting one of them soon.
  12. hi lads is there anyone on here from kent with a patterdale stud?if so how much and do you have any picures? it must be a working dog cheers
  13. does anyone on here make and sell lure machines?if so how much and do you have a picture of it?
  14. iv had a plummer and it had no heart and no ball's and it was the worste terrier iv ever owned mate.they have got niffic on a good patterdale or a lakeland.
  15. lads i was just wonderding pre-ban of course has any one seen or no of whippets taking hare?
  16. ferret kits for sale am taking two out of the litter to keep my line going and the rest has to go. both mum and dad work and i had a lots rabbits with them this sesson.they will be ready to go in 3weeks.pm me if you are intrested £10 each.
  17. does any lads on here use or have used bull whippets?if so are they any good and do you have any pictures cheers lads
  18. you can normaly tell at 4 weeks mate you dont want to touch them to much yet mate the mum may kill them other wise. best of luck mate
  19. i agree mate its only for a crack and to keep my dog keen and happy until the season starts again mate
  20. its my second time breeding mate and i agree it dont matter how many there are aslong as there all ok.and its a great feeling to hear that sound mate i no what you mean.are you breeding to keep your line of ferret mate or just for the experience?good luck with them mate
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