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Everything posted by mad4digging

  1. I've seen some very good white dogs from cork that any man would be proud to own
  2. Its not only cork lads have ebt in their working stock. A lot of Wheaton have ebt blood in their veins
  3. I only ever seen dogs with their noses damaged from work like that. I was chatting to a young chap at a show recently he had a russell with no nose left he said it only effects the dog few hours after a dig
  4. I have a white dog here he's not well in the head the c**t, if you're taking him off game or if he's pegged while another is working you'd want to be careful he'd grab you
  5. Really nice type wedgey , I like that them types , what's the white line behind them
  6. Pit x gsd bird a real guard dog once the gate was shut and no body was home you knew the place was safe ,
  7. Had a bulldog x shepherd years ago very wise and loyal dog no one was coming in past this dog , it was a accidental mating a neighbours shepherd wandered into my mates yard , would definitely take another as a yard dog
  8. Crackers stonewall what's in the first red bitch
  9. S.B bred stop.end? Good strong pup
  10. Is it bred down of the cork stuff like , nice bitch , fond of the white terriers myself
  11. That's a nice white pup stop.end how's it bred
  12. There's still bull Russell types being bred and worked. It's not as simple to just get a Russell nd a bull then bred together , you must get the right terrier with history behind it ,same with the bull, saying that I've seen a lot of ebt Russell doing the job in style
  13. When the black dog craze came and peddlers made it easy to get them a lot of white stuff went out the window,
  14. Plenty white dogs in cork with a touch of bull influence doing the job
  15. You leave any type of working lay idle for a long period they all heat up,
  16. Bull Russell can do the job same as any other terrier, I've seen some good bull Russell types
  17. I dug inside a graveyard near me one time , man that dug it with me never again came out with us and the dog that was dug that day was lost the weekend after so I wouldn't be digging around graveyard anymore
  18. There's f**k all wrong with the white terriers in cork. They're not a mish mash terrier they'll do the job same as a black dog
  19. Cmw is a poor quality magazine for those how actually hunt but it'd ideal for the public,no chewed up dogs ,no macho men comments, after all it can be purchased by anyone so best leaving it the way it is
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