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Everything posted by mad4digging

  1. Its easy to look after them chesney just getting them to graft is the one lol
  2. It is, dog on the right is only a young un. He'll be tried in and around Xmas mixedgrill
  3. Was Rambo any relation to a dog called bosco corkman
  4. Yes Shane g very like my dog here , same attitude to her as well see how they progress now
  5. All a man can do is look after them to best of his ability, the rest is up to them mole
  6. He'll make a big pup, its a lot easier to get on with a forward pup
  7. Right up my street, all the best with him wedgey
  8. There was four pups in his litter three are working to high standard f.m , I havnt seen any real big big dogs in that line they come tall and narrow 90% of the time and other 10% you'd be able to dig in most big earths, but as you stated a few push on too tight and cut the air to themselves in process
  9. Ebt is back a good bit in him but Its just the stamp thrown from them f.m
  10. Very good wedgey,you keep few nice ones yourself if I've the right man
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