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Everything posted by mintstick999

  1. That's always been my dream to find a big sack or bail of weed. heaven
  2. I found a load of jewelry in a field once the necklaces were hanging in a tree, handed it in to the old bill, apparently it had come from a burglary the night before never got it back though.
  3. Sorry for your lose in such a young dog, i take it you weren't familiar with the area or you would of known there was a drop the other side. such a shame when you've put the effort in to train him but at that age all dogs seem to think they are invincible. R.I.P Flash
  4. If only there was that amount of fish to catch these days it's getting harder and harder to find the big showels of any type sea fish nowadays.
  5. The rich get richer and the poor stay poor and will soon no longer exist in this country.!!!!!!!!!
  6. Nice looking animal and a beautiful place to walk even if it was quiet.
  7. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2434760/Hard-act-swallow-Vet-x-rays-reveal-bizarre-impossible-objects-wolfed-hungry-pets.html
  8. That's just downright cruel to leave it dying at the side of the road, the poor horse.
  9. I'm glad to hear the dog has been found but why did the person who had him feel the need to ruin what sounds like a bloody good dog.!!!!!
  10. Not sure which one i like the most the horse or the chair at the bottom of the page but what a brilliant talent for using driftwood. http://www.amusingplanet.com/2013/06/amazing-driftwood-sculptures-by-jeffro.html
  11. A nice haul of mushrooms there I picked some today to, the weather is just right at the moment.
  12. Personally mine is very good with stamina but it depends on how much effort a person is prepared to put in you need to put the work in to reap the rewards like any dog imo.
  13. Speed and agility if you keep the size down.
  14. I've got four like that but it's not the beach they winn for..... they even know if i've driven past the entrance to the place they though they were going.
  15. Brilliant pictures that terrier got what he deserved. can't beat the beach to stretch em out.
  16. It's amazing what colors you can see in the sky, that looks like fire. It's great...i was hoping for a nice red sky tonight but it petered out into nothing Shame that, another day maybe.
  17. Yes i have been doing a bit of bass fishing lately I don't like bass so they all go to the chinky in exchange for a meal.
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