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Everything posted by mintstick999

  1. and that's before he asks you what's ailing you! it's probing time! Sounds like they've all got piles...
  2. I can't believe what you've just wrote mate, how the f**k can a man with a gun, thats just shot a dog and looks like he's going to shoot a person, get off scot free!!! All it proves to me is, the laws a bigger ass than i always thought it was,... god help us...
  3. I'm sure the dogs didn't mind for once. nice pair.
  4. All i can say is!! my dad died at age 48 , so i'm happy that i'm still alive.
  5. The reason some people use pineapple to help stop their dogs eating their own crap is, apparently the crap will smell so horrible the dog doesn't want to eat it, personally i've never had this problem with any of my own dogs, so i would go with most of the other comments, and pick it up before the dog gets a chance to scoff it down.
  6. Brilliant photo's likes them both.
  7. Fished this one a few times, bloody hard walk back up though.
  8. I use to collect skulls mate, but got fed up with um in the end and gave um all away, I've got a stoat buried in the compost heap ready to be dug up thou. the bigger ones a fox the rest are rabbits, but if you've got a skull of an HARE could you put it up for me to have a look at mate, (never seen an hare skull) we don't get many down this way.
  9. Yep, i've had a few fenton moments, Magpie when she was a pup decided to run the full length of a beach, beside a horse, (not bothering it) i just stood there a watched her go out of sight, when the rider came back, so did Mags, (a few choice words were said to her, i can tell ya) She tried it another day, but with a different horse, and paid the price the horse kicked her, (not hard, only caught her slightly on the leg) thank god, but it cured her habit, and now she knows better than to go anywhere near a horse, I think we've all had a fenton moment with our dogs, if we;re honest
  10. A fine looking dog mate, and well done to him.
  11. No fish in the the water Wilbur, but the two that are on the quay side, looks like baby mullet to me mate, there was loads of the all washed up on the shore line. the picture is deceiving, their only about 1/2 " long..
  12. It's little Panasonic DMC-TZ6 Lumix 12x optical Zoom, does video's as well Romany.
  13. I think it cost me about £150 to have one of my dogs dew claws removed, because the person who done it when she was a pup didn't do it write and the remaining dew claw was still growing and sticking back into her leg.. so if people are going to remove dew claws!!! make f*****g sure you no what your doing, or leave the fuckers alone...imo.
  14. A lurcher or a rabbit might be able to run like the wind, but who ever turns the fastest will always come off the winner on the day...... the rabbit for getting away, or the lurcher for catching the rabbit.,, imo,.. who give a f**k, not me, just enjoy what you do with your dogs...
  15. I can answer that one mate, :laugh: after several vodkas and red bull, because some men are better looking, and have more in there trousers than others... :laugh: ( i think the drink is talking now) :laugh: pmsl, i've had a f*****g good night,,,,, :laugh: no offence Mike the dog.
  16. It also works the other way, i've got a friend, she's got a pretty good knowledge when it comes to lurchers, having seen her other two right through to old age , but she bought a lurcher from working stock that deffinately's needs to be worked imo, she's having no end of problems trying to stop the bitch wanting to chase and hunt,... (biggest mistake she ever made, her words not mine). the bitch is a deerhound / greyhound x beddy/ whippet.
  17. Nothing surprises me these days, not an ounce of common sense some people,
  18. Hell mate, thats bloody cold, but well worth it for us, your photo's are stunning.
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