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Everything posted by mintstick999

  1. Your a very talented person to be able to take such fantastic photo's, please keep them coming mate.
  2. What the hell is that???? brilliant photo by the way.
  3. time will tell,never seen the pair of them looking so fecking pleased with themselves Pmsl dogs........who'd have um. :laugh:
  4. I think the collar on the brindle dog looks good.
  5. Harris & Watson's Collars are made to last a life time you can't get better than that for your money imo.
  6. Them boys will never starve now they know how to catch fish, great to see kids learning things like that.
  7. Brilliant photo's you should take it up for a living if you haven't already mate.
  8. A dung beetle i think but he's covered in mud i thought i'd found a different type until i zoomed in and seen the mud on the little bugger.
  9. I was eating mintsticks when i chose mine.
  10. My bitch does the same I could never figure out why either but she's quite a dominant bitch so maybe that could have something to do with it.
  11. You've got to be quick these days mate. and no it wasn't me who took it.
  12. That fat twat on the GO COMPARE advert :censored: :censored:
  13. All of this has been very informative, I never have the dogs on the lead when crossing a field with horses or cows in because i did think they would always go for the dogs but from now on i will certainly keep a bloody good eye on the type of cows that are in that field. Can somebody confirm for me if this is correct or not if a bull is in a field that is a public footpath should the farmer by law have a notice on the gate saying the bull is in there because recently i've seen one in a field with other cows, on a public footpath and there isan't a sign to be seen....
  14. Nothing wrong with them photo's, nice looking pond.
  15. I'm sure it does mate. I never walk through the middle of cattle i dont know.........no chance will you get me out in the field with the things. Even horses i have a bit of a fear of....anything that size could kill you and not even know it. I'll stay on the other side of the fence.... they never bothered me for years and years, lamped through fields full of them no bother, then i saw that happen to that old lady that morning and my thinking soon changed, fook that no bunny is worth my funeral cost What happened???? old lady walking her friends dog early one morning, the footpath
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