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Everything posted by mintstick999

  1. Pay your bill you tight sod. Love you too Di Cheers, D.
  2. Another wee baby killed by family pet. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2556514/Baby-girl-dies-attacked-mauled-dog.html
  3. I don't know which mod it is but i'm glad he's not my son.
  4. She's a very nice looking bitch mate.
  5. I don't have a problem with horses..... R.I.P little one, and so close after Christmas too.
  6. Happy New year folks, lets hope 2014 brings me a double figured bass.......... Pleasessssssssssssss. lol.
  7. Happy new year to you as well.
  8. I like the look of that dog, seen a woman out the other day with the same X , hers was brindle and no bigger than 22", cracking feet on them.
  9. Probably be ok I wouldn't worry too much, just keep an eye on the dog.,..... atb.
  10. Sounds like you guys were right on here and he was a f---cking sum bag.
  11. Any event that means the mother in law has to come over as got to be no no not a lover of christmas myself but the dogs get plenty of turkey.
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