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Everything posted by mintstick999

  1. So sorry to hear this. R.I.P Bob.
  2. I think if you own dogs it helps to be that way.
  3. Political Values Radicalism 36.25 Socialism 37.5 Tenderness 28.125 These scores indicate that you are a tough-minded moderate conservative; this is the political profile one might associate with a drill sergeant. It appears that you are moderate towards religion, and have a balanced attitude towards humanity in general. Your attitudes towards economics appear capitalist, and combined with your social attitudes this creates the picture of someone who would generally be described as a po
  4. Makes your piss boil hearing of all these dogs being pinched hope your friend gets his dog returned soon mate.
  5. Very impressed but i'd have that wrapped around a tree or power cables in two minutes.
  6. mintstick999

    Boo Dog. .

    Which end do you put the batteries in.
  7. That's brilliant news thank god someone had the sense to return it to it's rightful owner.
  8. Who gets the dogs if you hadn't been so lucky.
  9. Here's a useful link for you. http://www.thecornishcoast.co.uk/DOGM.htm
  10. A few pictures of the progress of healing at the time., this was quite a few years ago now. Looking much better at this stage but i will never forget the smell each time the bandages were changed. Leia's went all down the inside of her leg but i can't find the picture's of her wound.
  11. What breed of dog What breed of dog is this mate Whippet x beddy put back to a pure whippet.
  12. I think it's good to disgust what a cat can do to your dog because I didn't until it happened to two of my dogs (as you can see) but if i'd known about the hydrogen peroxide and the benefits of using it, I could have prevented the amount of damage that was caused so for that THANK YOU because you're NEVER too old to learn something new.
  13. That's interesting, wish my vet knew that he didn't have a clue really how to treat it. might of saved me some money.
  14. WTF? That is gruesome. Nasty shit. That's what can happen when your dog accidentally catches a cat, my bitch had the same on the inside of her leg, we thought she'd never run again but she proved us wrong. Infection from the cats dirty mouth.
  15. I stay well away from cat's if i can help it because i've seen the damage they can do with a bite.
  16. Maybe an adder bite if you've got them in your area?
  17. mintstick999


    Live each day as if it was your last. :because you never know what tomarrow might bring.!! RIP.
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