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Everything posted by ferret100

  1. They really can be contary creatures. They tend to imprint on what's edible as a kit. As adult ferts, some readily expand to what's on offer but some just don't regard 'new' meat/dried food as edible. Personally disagree with starving an animal until it eats what you give it. Wouldn't be the first case of an animal dying from refusing to eat what the owner provides.
  2. I have some male hybrids, as in EU Polecat x domesticated ferret. At 7 weeks old they were the size of an average ferret jill and smelt like a hob coming into season. They were timid but prepared for a row. They live with my ferrets just fine now. They were more difficult to nip-train (still nippy now for no real reason) and seem to have a temper at times. They have better eyesight and aren't easily distracted with surroundings. They are built much stronger than ferrets and generally seem to only do what pleases them. Mine have been handled by children (supervised) and have been no bother,
  3. If your knee was twice the size of the other and two doctors took a look and suspected you'd fractured it, would you turn down an x-ray and not take painkillers?
  4. If the meat smells bad then don't feed it. Wild animals eat rotten meat if they can't catch their own dinner, so they too also run the risk of poisoning, but they don't understand rotten meat is as likely to kill them as having/being incapable of having prey to catch. Rotting meat is no good for domesticated animals. Atb.
  5. They look like EU/ferret hybrids. If you can handle them well, then they inherited more of the ferret genes. Find hybrids to be stubborn, contrary and unpredictable. But each is not the same, wish the best with them.
  6. Malt paste is high sugar, not good for ferts, same as lactose in milk. Ferrets Formula will do the same job as malt paste without filling your ferret with sugar. People say Ferretone is useful, but filled with sugar same as malt paste. Edited to say, ferts can cough and be sick for no significant reason. If occasional vomiting/coughing persists for 3 days plus, then needs seen by a vet. If vomiting/coughing often in a short space of time, then vet visit asap. Atb
  7. Yeah, test tube ferts...they're the new micro/weasel/EU,,,catch up ffs!
  8. If the pet shop houses the ferts in a good enriched, clean environment, tends them well, has the ferts well socialised, gives accurate advice/discretion on looking after ferrets, then fair play. But if they have them in wee cages/persplex boxes with nothing to do (odd tunnel and litter tray doesn't count), then no.... pets shops prey on kiddies to come in and stare through the cage and whinge 'I want it'/or for people to come in and think 'poor wee lonely thing', it's all marketing ploys. Unforunately the more people that buy from pet shops promote the 'puppy sale' (purchasing an animal from p
  9. Time & patience. She doesn't seem to have been brought up too kindly. She's on the offence. If she's that bad, use gloves and handle her plenty in the meanwhile.Try and make sure every time you handle her, it's worth her while (bit of meat/ferrets formula), she'll learn to realise you're well worth being around. She just seems very insecure and wants to defend herself before there is a real reason to. Keep her well fed, nothing acts well on an empty stomach. She'll click on and probably be very easy to deal with once she realises no harm is coming her way. Atb.
  10. Ragwort is a right pain. Toxic whether fresh or dried. It needs pulled out before it flowers to save alot of bother. However, I cannot see any need to report Ragwort to a local council unless your livery yard refuses to deal with the issue. Even so, it's a private matter regarding the owner of the grounds. How did these horses and goats consume Ragwort?
  11. Does he do this everytime he gets fed? Is he usually asleep or wake before you go to put their food in?
  12. Ferrets can get worms. Worms do not care what diet their host is fed nor the rate of their digestive system. They don't float about in the intestines ready to be crapped out by some feathers or fur, they burrow into the intestinal wall and will continue to pass microscopic eggs into the local environment via the hosts faeces, to be ingested by another host. How on earth would internal parasites continue to thrive if they just turned up with a "hi, here I am, yep I got crapped out, you found me!" Edited to say Wormers are passed through the system fairly quickly, the wormers are adm
  13. Tbh, an equine phys should carry out massage therapy if the horse requires it. Either a treatment course requires physio, or it doesn't. It depends on the injury. Are you referring to a specific injury or a general question?
  14. No pointers, sounds like she may be externally & internally deformed. Doubt the prognosis is great. Atb.
  15. Glaucoma/cataract/trauma...hard to say, but really needs seen by a vet before self-medicating.
  16. The reason that causes rats tail is unknown, but it is hormone related. Causes no harm and should grow out at the latest by the next moult. It does tend to happen more in summer. Atb.
  17. Have another chat and see, but it's harder for them to mess about when they have to put it in writing. Plus if you have their response in writing and it isn't good enough then you can forward this to the RCVS or solicitor if you wish. They didn't harm your ferret or carry out the wrong op deliberately, but they should be making the upmost effort to make up for their mistake. Not sure what the RCVS could/would do, it's really only vets who are really dodgy that get reprimanded/struck off....lol like the one who was selling lions from Basildon Zoo for exotic pets on the black market when the Zoo
  18. I would write/email the practice manager. Put it in writing to them, (make a copy if you write/print email otherwise) including details of the conversation with the vet and ask for a response within a few days. Have them put an offer back to you in writing, see what they say. As it was their mistake that now leaves you with jills that need brought out of season and a hob that cannot carry out the function for which you requested their services in the 1st place, you are happy to either have the practice jab the jills foc or they can refund the cost of the unrequested castration in addition to a
  19. ferret100


    Did you atually speak to the vet carrying out the op beforehand? Did you express to them in person that you wanted your hob vascetomised? It would seem a bit rash to report the vet if it was a receptionist/vet nurse that booked your hob in for castration instead of vascectomy. If it was the vet that made the error, they still carried out a sucessful procedure and your ferret was returned to you in good health. There was no mistreatment or deliberate malpractice. It would be very unlikely that reporting the vet would affect their career, this is a issue with this certain Veterinary Practice.
  20. Sorry nothing could be done for her, sad news. You did what you could. Atb.
  21. Same as in any professional, you always get those who give bad advice. Putting alcohol on ticks is a perfect example.
  22. 'Ferrets Formula', really great stuff. How's your fert doing? Atb.
  23. Entirely up to you, if you think she'd be happier being with others or alone to get some rest, your call, you know her best and know what would be best fo her. Certainly if ferretone is what you have, go ahead, but might be worth while getting a natural product that doesn't contain the crap ferretone does for future use. Her problem sounds quite unusual, hope vet sorts it asap. Atb.
  24. It seems like some sort of abdominal issue, if she isn't pooing properly it could possibly be a blockage, which really isn't great. If you have any oil, olive/sunflower etc or even a specialised oil product for ferts, give her a teaspoon every few hours, if it is a blockage this will help her. Might be best to limit her food intake for now until she sees vet, maybe 2/3rds, even 1/2 of normal until she gets checked out in morning, no good to pack food into a swollen belly. But it might well be best to call vet now for advice, don't like the sound of this problem with your jill. Atb.
  25. Sorry to hear about your jill. Have you checked her teeth? Are her gums pale? Is she toileting ok? Seems like she is in discomfort if she is dragging her belly. Might be worth a quick call to vets and see if you have anything in the house that might ease her symptoms before morning. Atb.
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