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Everything posted by ferret100

  1. Mine do it just because they can, mostly for the satisfaction of watching someone clean up their mess.
  2. Sounds like the hormones are kicking in alright, ferts can begin to come into season dec/jan just because they are awkward beggars. They are only going to get worse unfortunately, soon they'll be knocking seven bells out of each other too. Really only 2 options, one is castration, the other is the implant. Vets are reluctant to operate on undescended testis due to risk of damage to the supplying blood vessels, nerves and otential damage to itnernal organs, BUT it can be done. The implant is a hormone regulator which is applied in the same manner and location as a microchip. Many vets prefe
  3. Re: tinned dog food, I feel most sorry for the people who actually have to taste-test the stuff......couldn't pay me enough for that job!
  4. You are joking....tinned dog food???? Milk and bread??? You must be on a wind-up... as ridiculous as that sounds when I first got into ferrets many moons ago everyone I knew who had ferrets used to feed them bread and milk! I think it was just something that got passed down, it was almost like the standard thing to feed ferrets, bizarre when you think about it because it actually contains virtually none of the nutrients that they need and lactose which doesn't agree with them.......but strangely, none of them seemed to suffer for it, either condition, lifespan, energy levels, they seemed
  5. hiya mate thanks for the reply thats spot on. the more info the better. i didnt even think of most of the factors that u have mentioned with regards to bacteria and things... We'd all like to see your missus do well, so any questions, jusk ask and we'll do our best to help. Atb.
  6. You are joking....tinned dog food???? Milk and bread??? You must be on a wind-up...
  7. She could maybe gain a few more marks by explaining reasons for a feeding plan, why it would be beneficial and why it may need adjusted for individuals? General factors considered include dietary requirements, digestive rate, age, body condition, entire/neutered, general health, level of exercise and environment. Issues such as food hygiene, bacterial poisoning, dental health and exposure to parasites is also worth a mention as well as specific dietary components. How much info does she need to put in for this feeding plan? Atb.
  8. Sorry to hear about your fert. Best bit of advice is to find a good vet, it's never nice when an animal goes downhill and dies when there might have been a solution. Best vets for ferts is an 'exotics' vet (ferrets are classed as exotic animals rather than small animals) and require specific vet knowledge. Just phone around your local vets, ask if they employ an exotics vet, even ask for a quick chat with the vet to see if you feel happy with them. What was wrong with your fert could have been a number of things, sorry it suffered so long. As a rule of thumb if they seem off-colour/not eat
  9. That rescue tries very hard with PR, a lot of the stuff will be likely have been donated, it seems that ferret 'crusher' has quite a following. Companies etc give free items etc if they think it will get them noticed for future business and lets be honest, it has caused a stir Luckily, it's not everyones cup of tea, a fert wedding is undoubtably bonkers, but publicity can bring in a heck of a lot of revenue that is most likely headed towards the vet bills, food, housing rescue costs they deal with, so fair play I suppose. Mind you the difference between genious and stupidity is that s
  10. Just don't see the point, so many marriages end up in divorce these days....
  11. Must remember to read the label on the next rabbit to see if its vet recommended for ferrets before I put it in with mine then? Lmao, p*sstaker Alright brine rabbit and pigeon is off the list too
  12. Salt poisioning/sodium toxidity is a big issue for ferts, it causes brain oedema and although death usually follows quite quickly after the spasms, it still not a pleasant way to go. Usually 24-96 hrs after a salt 'overdose' they will likely become lethargic and the spasms set in, game over after that. I appreciate people have fed salty foods to ferts and 'got away with it', but same as many other fert husbandry aspects, survival doesn't mean damage hasn't been done and whether or not the damage is reversible depends on the issue. Basically the bottom line is that unless the food is sp
  13. Your hob hasn't settled just yet and seems a touch insecure. If he were mine, I'd prefer to handle him as much as poss in a very positive way. If he draws blood and latches on, wear gloves if needs be, he'll soon learn to realise biting gets no real reaction, then cover the glove in ferrets formula, so he looks forward to the glove. When he stops biting and being aggressively reactive, leave off the glove and just use the ferrets formula on your hand. He will soon learn to realise your hands are a safe place. No-one likes a latch-on ferret, but they are easier to deal with than many. Atb.
  14. Ferretone is so full of chemicals, preservatives and sugars it is not legal to import into UK due to animal welfare standards. Not saying your a dealer but best left avoided. Glad your biter turned a corner though. Atb.
  15. Every now and then, mne get some tuna in sunflower oil, maybe I have a poor sense of smell, never really noticed stinky 'poo' from feeding it. Personally I'd avoid the brine tuna, a water rinse won't get rid of the absorbed salt in the meat which is really not good at all for ferts. Mine have had bits of fresh and cooked mackerel, tuna, salmon and trout. They do seem to enjoy fish but they only get the heads, tails, fins and scrap meat. A simple way to a sleek coat is Ferrets Formula, all natural and very useful, then you don't have to deal with smelly fish 'poo'. ATB.
  16. I would of thought busting the sack and the eggs coming into contact with fresh air and a muddy field would have been enough to kill them. . . I,ll take a black sack next time im out and drain off the puss sack and dispose of it by incineration.. Once again, they are tapeworm larvae, not eggs. Worm eggs are microscopic. Do you honestly think parasites are not capable of surviving a bit of mud and air? How on earth can they then cope with the sac being ruptured, chewed, ingested and surviving the digestive system to develop into adults and reproduce??? Walking barefoot in a garden is th
  17. Mine are sleeping more and eating a heck of a lot more. Ferts don't hibernate in the typical sense, so keep an eye, they should be eating normally at least. ATB.
  18. I would of thought busting the sack and the eggs coming into contact with fresh air and a muddy field would have been enough to kill them. . . I,ll take a black sack next time im out and drain off the puss sack and dispose of it by incineration.. Once again, they are tapeworm larvae, not eggs. Worm eggs are microscopic. Do you honestly think parasites are not capable of surviving a bit of mud and air? How on earth can they then cope with the sac being ruptured, chewed, ingested and surviving the digestive system to develop into adults and reproduce??? Walking barefoot in a garden is th
  19. As said before, they are not eggs, but larval tapeworm. By leaving the rabbit carcass and young tapeworm for foxes/dogs to eat you are PROMOTING further infection. Well done.........
  20. Mmmmn, yummy. The pic looks very much like tapeworm cyst/larval stage of Multiseps Serialis. The mature form is found in the intestine of dogs (primary host) and the fluid sac/larvae/cyst/coenurus is found in the subcutaneous tissues of rabbits (intermediate host). The white lumps are larval tapeworm heads, not eggs. The cysts/larvae don't damage the rabbits muscle tissue, if you remove the sac and cook the meat it's even fit for human consumption, you could even cook and eat the larvae too if you fancied, the only known way for humans to contact these species is ingesting eggs from infect
  21. Are your hobs doing any better now? Atb.
  22. Poor Smiggles. How old? How long living with your other ferts? Have any other ferts had a soggy bum/gentials? If you put some absorbent bedding down in the toilet area it may help ascertain whether Smiggles is dragging his bum in urine, otherwise have a sniff!! Does he appear to have any difficulty extracting/retracting his penis? Certainly the prolapse needs attention as does his respiratory issue, the wetness issue may be related. ATB.
  23. Did vet mention if it was viral or bacterial pneumonia? Do you have to force feed or will she take the a/d willingly? Recommend as much a/d as she will take every 2hrs. Tend to make it a 50/50 mix with luke warm water and syringe if she won't eat it herself. Rapid breathing, weakness and loss of hindlimb use are all normal symptoms of pneumonia. However, if you can try to ensure she doesn't lie asleep for too long in one position or on one side, but seeing as you tend to her every 90 mins, you're doing all you can. Are the antibiotics injected or oral? You must be knackered, ATB.
  24. Sorry, are these people expecting a PM to prove foal aborted due to mare being spooked by air rifle? Lunacy. Agree with others, you're the scapegoat. If they genuinely believed that your presence/shooting would potentially cause their mare to abort, they would have prevented such.
  25. http://www.telegraph...et-in-pram.html Killer ferts are becoming an issue, apparently!
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