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border hunter

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About border hunter

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  1. ive got permission round that way place called wooperton up there most saturdays if you get stuck let me know
  2. had a jack russell years ago done the same as yours walked beside me all the time done me head right in so i thought ive bought it ive got to keep it i was out foxing 1 day with me other jack when it bolted a fox into the net and ther the penny dropped me pup at 9 months old straight into it couldint beleave it it turned out to be one of the best bolting fox dogs ive ever seen it lived to a grand old age of twenty
  3. me border has caught 2 first one was when deep snow on the ground second one sat in cover
  4. borders will work the same as any terrier if trained right had 3 that went to ground all18 months old would of went earlier if id of let them got one now 8 month old its bushing marking rabbits rats and will go to ground when ready
  5. hope you dont mind me asking but what deal did you get on your scorpion se want one me self
  6. feeding mine on rice pudding ther love it
  7. id say border terrier got 1 exellent worker and pet kept in house cant fault it
  8. wats the most fox any one seen in 1 nights lamping think i just might hold the record
  9. havent heard any thing about lurcher show used to be one
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