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Everything posted by R/H/F/D

  1. Remember????????????............... Oh I f*****g remember lol, that is why I can't believe it lol...... well he aint doing that bad is he!!! thrashed united, beat chelsea away and now thrashing the richest team in the world lol
  2. 3-0 up against a team thats cost millions more than us!!! some good spending in the summer and we will be right up there challenging for the title
  3. You know you'd get on really well with another big Liverpool fan on here mate........... sounded a cracking goal aswell hope its the first of many from him!!!
  4. usual suspects on here i see carrols just scored im going for 2-0
  5. be good to see them if poss. did you run her on many deer?? how did she do on them compared to the bitch you bred out of her??
  6. given the choice would you of bred off that bitch over a lurcher x lurcher???? I did breed her to a saluki x greyhound and produced this bitch i also used the same saluki x greyhound dog over a lurcher to lurcher bred bitch and produced dogs with more stamina running ability and better recovery and not as accident prone. she looked a nice bitch!! you got any pics of the greyhound???
  7. ill agree rooney is dirty but when will torres come good??? been shit at liverpool all last season and this one and now shit at chelsea!!! would you have him over suarez???
  8. given the choice would you of bred off that bitch over a lurcher x lurcher????
  9. i meant 30!!!

  10. 57 post and 309 got ticked lol its like ive been here before!!!

  11. just been on fagboys profile alls i could see was your toe nails hanging out of his ass whats that all about cockstash hahahhaahahahaha i think its plain to see your the one being a bellend here
  12. listn asshole youv got nothink positive to say dont bother asshole well said mate just shows what a dickhead WILF really is!!! ignore the c**t!!
  13. a f*****g legend!!!!

  14. sugar diabetes :rofl: f*****g brilliant mate!!!!
  15. What,s more ironic is that an English man had the balls to draw attention to it. why??
  16. funny one this some lads out with a 6 month old whippet and a lame ex track greyhound having to go through all this over a dead hare!!! what a waste of time and money i just hope the lads get there dogs back soon http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1370502/Dogs-DNA-tested-hare-dead-suspected-illegal-coursing-peer-s-estate.html
  17. Bitter...... PMSL you lot make me laugh, GAY TRAITOR lol what you gonna say when Carroll flops pmsl that he is a gay jordie traitor and should take his stupid pony tail for a jump of the tyne bridge but untill then he is a red and he wont ever be a flop
  18. rooney doesn,t i dont mind some mancs but i fucken hate you gobshite well well,thick mick the stalker is back,i was hoping you'd been locked up for sniffing mens bike seats again u arse bandit,ive told you once an il tell you again,im happily married with a family and im not interested...now feck off an stalk someone else,ya dirty fudge packing fecker i was waiting for you to reply to that mate and it was well worth the wait LOL!!!
  19. did it have a dog following it??? if not then despicable but if so its pest control!!!
  20. lol @ the irony is this video!!!!
  21. baw can kiss my baws lol!!!!

  22. in red he was a legend that i would of died for defending him mate but going to the blue shite in london he showed his true colours!!! f*****g JUDAS!!!!!!

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