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R/H/F/D last won the day on April 5 2011

R/H/F/D had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

38 Good

About R/H/F/D

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  1. happy birthday ye manc kunt dont get to stoned lol
  2. i drove past torres's house the other day,his barn door is fecking spotless,he was shite again tonight,theres no doubt hes world class but hes defo struggling at the mo,but another decentish performance and its looking good for saturday he peaked to early imo mate and will never be the same player again!!! not seen one Chelsea fan reply on this?? surely there must be one on here?? suarez is twice the player he is and id say that even if he stayed at anfield!! id of loved to seen em both playing together!
  3. Got another year a least out of him the way he is playing hes kept him self fit plus you dont see him all over the papers and signs a contract with out even looking at it bring on inter :dance: Inter will be lucky mate, they've got to overturn a 4 goal deficit away from home! Drogba scored, then Utd went straight back up the other end and smashed one in! thats fair enough then mate
  4. just looking on teletext an park ji sung and drogba both scored in the 77 min lol what happened there mate??? will never say well done cause your scum lol!!! but atleast you beat torres lol!!!!
  5. i only have one per ban but thanks for clearing that up mate atb stewie !! LOL !! cheers till next time!!!!!
  6. i might of been wrong but did think angelic acid and ripstop are the same user???? if im wrong im sorry !! LOL !! cheers.
  7. if thats aimed at me then your miles out!!!
  8. why use two accounts lol!!!! ..............ffs!!!!!.........better with about 18 right enough......... ssssshhhhh!!!! and LOL @ stabba!!!!
  9. both can be as good as each imo depends totally on the dogs used in the mating and the upbringing of the pup
  10. Correct ...... and proud of it. As most of the shite know evertonians have a fair bit to be bitter about. course you have spanj and thats why i dont dislike everton fans in the slighest, but im not from liverpool so have not grown up in your situation but i understand it and yes in your shoes i would be bitter
  11. best post on the thread artic
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