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Everything posted by mickdog

  1. if your in the know on here ur laughing i personally keep my self to my self i thought mickdog was a decent lad he bought a russel bitch of me he travelled down a long way to fetch her when he got her he had food on the tabel for him i was honest as a days long with him and he didnt have the decentcy to get back to me oh well you live and learn. to many pricks on here that messed me about got sick of answering the phone unfotunatleythe genuine people may hav missed out because of them still glad sold it to a decent guy sorry coney catcher99 it already sold before i got your post not had t
  2. bellman & flint box and collar for sale with box and bits used 4 times paid £293 £180 posted
  3. has any one got a copy of edward martin Training dvd for labs i can buy
  4. had a days ferreting yesterday me and my son got 11 rabbits not a bad day at all
  5. not got the time to put in to the dog mate based in derby
  6. whippet bitch for sale 15 month old bred from mick brown pm for more details
  7. does any one no of any Whippet greyhound litters from good stock
  8. kits ready to go hobs and jills from good working stock derby pm for more details
  9. could anyone tell me where to get some good spun nylon nets from cheers
  10. thanks for all the replys
  11. just got a little whippet bitch 17 inch from a friend bred from mick brown not done any work just woundering if she to small for rabbiting she nearly 14 month old
  12. can any one tell me if they have head of rimrock whippets and if they are good workers cheers
  13. my dog is about 13 months old he's had about 10 rabbits on the lamp have always been out with friend and his dog as he has the permission on the land.my dog has quite a good recall untill he has caught the rabbit and tends to playfully run around with the rabbit.
  14. got my frontline spray frome the vet mate £7 for 100ml
  15. can any one give me tips on retrieving as my dog plays up once caught
  16. what do people think at whippet bedlingtons for rabbiting
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