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Everything posted by Tom21

  1. thanks for the advice guys!! il make sure im downwind, plus means i dont have to let my clothes smell like shite. i hate being a smelly bugger. just trying to minimise the amount of things im doing wrong when hunting as im a little bit shite at it.
  2. HI guys, Just wondering what you do to remove smell from your hunting gear? Managed to put my camo in the wash by mistake and now it smells like roses. This obviously isnt good. I have tried airing it out for a few days but i can still smell the blooming stuff ( alot more faint now).
  3. Stop being a pleb and enjoy the thread. If you dont like it go and read something else.
  4. ahhh cool, just wondering mate if the tail fur would be suitable for fly tying material. Im a cheap skate when it comes to buying material LOL
  5. awsome shooting mate, thats a nice looking fox! Just a quick question, how do you dispose of the fox ? do you keep/use any of the fur?
  6. i love the looks of a Prosport!! if i have the need im tempted to purchase one even tho i already have a 97k. they just look like a proper rifle, yet sleek and sexy.
  7. well i went for the deben 9 - 13 tilt version. il let you know how i get on with it.
  8. the feathers on that jay look awsome, got a pair in my garden but cant bring myself to pop them off. Would love those blue feathers for fly tying
  9. one thing i also wanted to ask is, do you recommend the smooth or notched varieties?
  10. Right guys seeing as youve given me cracking advice with regards to both scope and gun could you please give me some advice on bipods? Im looking for something in the region of 9 - 13inch and a tilting one? would you say this was the best or would it be too tall? Is it worth paying more and getting a harris one or would a deben one be just as good? I am also looking for a QD stud that will fit in the HW100 stock without needing it to be drilled. anyone know where i could get one for a decent price? cheapest so far is blackpool air rifles but its got a £5.00 delivery charge so will
  11. you cruel, heartless BUGGER!!! killing innocent little bunnies!! shame on you on a more serious note, nice vids mate
  12. Well i went for the mamba in the end, looks a cracking piece of kit and fits the gun well. alot lighter than i expected too. thanks davy for the heads up.
  13. Thanks for the advice - as always it is greatly appreciated Think ive decided to go for the hawke sidewinder tactical, looks awsome and i like the reticule. I just prefer the overall look of the hawke compared to the Mtc, im the type of person that gets alot of confidence from using stuff i like the look of and confidence is key.
  14. What size scope mounts you think would be suitable for the model Si recommended? Mediums? id like to get the scope as close to barrel as possible.
  15. does the optical quality of the viper compare to that of the more expensive side winder?
  16. hi davy, thats another scope ive been looking at. how do you find the removable IR thing? seems like a good idea - can take it off when i dont need it.
  17. thanks for the advice guys! must admit si, the hawke sidewinder tactical has really caught my eye. looks the mutz nuts. the side paralax will really come in handy to help with my range finding
  18. Well guys as you can see from the title im looking for a new scope to go on my hw100, the one i have now ( a hawke map pro) will be going back on my 97k now i have decided to keep it. Im looking for something max. £270 as good quality glass as possible ( no point putting crap scopes on a good gun). Id like something with magnification in the range if 4 - 14 as i want to use it for hunting and for trying my hand at hft. Side parallax would be great, IR would be nice because i have bad eye site and find the black to be a strain alot of the time as i shoot at night. Any recommenda
  19. Already had a hw97k mate, ive just gone straight up darth vader.
  20. I love it mate, if i could figure out how to add photos i would lol
  21. Well guys if you had seen my previous thread you would know what i was torn between a r10 mk2 and a hw100tk. well im pleased to say i picked up my hw100 this evening in .177. Needless to say im chuffed to bits with it. Its much lighter than expected and balances perfectly for me . Thanks for the advice.
  22. a few people have told me about that one. whats the selection like? PCP wise
  23. now that looks the mutts !! but id probably spend more on fuel getting there than i would getting a gun sent to my local RFD
  24. haha davy already been there but there are a few on there with limited info with regards to products stocked. and i have heard that there are a few others about that dont show up on yell for some reason.
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