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Everything posted by THLpatrick

  1. Hare was shot and retrieved on permo and bunny was lamped good little night
  2. Couple of the dogs on a little mooch today, brindle is Saluki x Bull half cross, bitch bull grey and then the narky twat of a whippet
  3. tough mudder 2nd of august the saturday, who doing it?

    1. Joe67


      could do it in my sleep...

    2. B.P.R


      Feck off haha....

    3. steve66


      tough mudders for wimps lol,a bob graham now theres a challenge

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  4. Stress picking what uni and courses,stay at home or move




      I done my last year away from home and was hanging out the back of lassies like a set of bagpipes most nights lol

      was great craic

    2. Born Hunter

      Born Hunter

      Move, for the experience move.

  5. I'd agree with that mate. I'd also say that if your unsure or a dogs history never give it the opportunity. Like that bull cross in my previous post, with you around they can be good as gold but with your back turned...!! I once owned a smart smooth black dog, Mick, of a similar stamp to Nuttall's original Miner. Always been 100% with mutton when I was around, even off a lead, totally ignored 'em and decent enough underground, though he did let himself down twice buy humping fresh air after sniffing near season bitches and wanting to go up one hole rather than down another..! Anyways
  6. Thinking of studying canine studies at uni of lanc? Anyone done a similar course

    1. scothunter


      well i got two books from that ceasar guy you can have.

    2. stripes


      Dont think about it, go for it mate,all qualifications help these days.

    3. pip1968


      think your barking up the wrong tree pat lol

  7. stop encouraging him ray ive rang the funeral directors lad, it'll all be done soon Get better soon mate!
  8. I love hannah rim xoxo she's amazing

  9. got a trial day at a car wash..but need to blag ive done abit..much to no?

    1. cookiemonsterandmerlin


      Wash on wipe off Daniel son

    2. THLpatrick


      exactly what ive been saying but i don't know if its machine washing/valleting what ever, i know ill be able to do it just wana sound like i know to make sure i get it

    3. pip1968


      my cars a shit hole through getting out with the dogs you can start on that and ill let you know if your any good lol


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  10. That's yours you rang me to come switch the lights on with you
  11. Fourth day in hospital, can't wait to get home

    1. christian71


      Tell him to take the cock home with him little treat for the dog hahaha


    2. harddigging


      taking this excuse for jacking to far now

    3. THLpatrick


      haha was in fazakerly with an inflamed gut and gastroentroitis, or what ever wanted to keep me in but ive come home if any pains i have to go back because my blood results aren't to sharp atm

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  12. shame that mate,real shame! looked a nice dog!
  13. could of been worse rescue centre dog got of its harness and got hold of my whippet 3 years back, still suffers now..skin wont grow on his under belly since attack, anxious, dog agressive and a narky little arse in general, scream the house down when anyone approaches..in the guard way ..but now with alot of fear in his bark that was the c**t
  14. this dog.. 30 in to the shoulder on the right..
  15. f*****g honestly hate anti hunters, did who just aren't into it..but that scum watch on facebook says it all..saying a young lad who is paralyzed is the same to killing a fox, inbred f*****g weirdos

    1. BIG G wheton machine

      BIG G wheton machine

      anno mate just a complete waste of sperm and egg

  16. thats the dog i was on about nice animal mate! very smart
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