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About THLpatrick

  • Rank
    Mega Rabbit Keeper

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  1. Best way to stop rats getting under decking / subflooring? 

  2. Whats the easiest way to upload pictures these days? 

  3. Dog was PTS at 7 having fits... Bitch only had 3 pups one unfortunately passed away after a road incident... Staffs one taking abit to mature and the other is meant to be doing great up to now so fingers crossed for next season
  4. From what am told a drop of bull and saluki... Staffsriffraff has the daughter out of it and that's thrown quiet bully and strong but looks like it can run Aswell
  5. Haha no worries Shane... Thought you might of already had them
  6. Deerhound x greyhound and some other stuff in the mix.. mainly used him for lamping... done what i asked of him .. would have this X again in the future
  7. after two catapults preferably made with theraband and simple design that you can fit in pocket wooden or metal will do. Let me know. cheers
  8. Looks well staffs.. Let us know how she gets on
  9. nice one staffs, if you cant put up send me them or bosun and i'll try add them
  10. Ferplast dog kennel for sale - will fit a medium to large lurcher - Liverpool. http://media.petsathome.com/wcsstore/pah-cas01//300/P221L.jpg
  11. f***ing hell thats a big sausage dog
  12. i had one unfortunately ran over and pts just before 2 years old, she was good fun for knocking about and bushing and had good prey drive, caught a few rabbits in day from cover to cover and a few on lamp. wasn't slow could move and turn but no where near quick enough for what id want these days. good fun for my first lurcher, would have one again for a dog to just knock about bit and have some fun as im sure she would of got stuck into anything but thats it bare in mind she was only 17tts 5/8 whippet 3/8 bull. . great nose on her, would always put hares up/ bush rabbits and rats out. could
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