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big skull

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Everything posted by big skull

  1. f**k me captain that dog could part the red sea with them feet
  2. youse c**ts keep that to pms we dont wanna know about your sex lives on here this is a dog site not doggin :laugh: :laugh:
  3. did ye not keep the red and white dog? thought ye were keeping the red and white dog captain? no every body dosent hold on to their tubes ha ha
  4. will i flusher there pms god love them its a conspiracy and i think tommy c behind it
  5. no i tickled his and he told me everything hes some dug ha ha
  6. i know icey running the competion but its f*****g rabbits there lamping not this
  7. feck thats me out already lol... you cant be out your in the final
  8. dont forget sorley the under dog do you not mean sorley with his wonder dog?? is the word spreading its the talk of the town sorley, just watch the country mans now at stud in n ireland proven bitches only
  9. dont forget sorley the under dog do you not mean sorley with his wonder dog?? which wonder dog do you not no about the wonder dog danny? never heard about this one tommy they wonder whos the daddy of it??? they thought it was snowman but after they found out it wasint they are still wondering!!! :boogy: like sorley hes still searching for his hear he was interigating speedie was it him
  10. lamping you will learn you to f**k up baloon bag no f**k you lamp it for two seasons then try it at a hare
  11. lamping it will learn it go through the ditches
  12. dont forget sorley the under dog do you not mean sorley with his wonder dog?? no he will be in season :laugh: or he will have postnatal depression or something :laugh:
  13. it will be rigged in such away youve no chance my prediction tommy c and icey in the final tommy wins it and they split the dough :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  14. anybody run this cross now dont be posting shite on this topic it wont be tolerated
  15. then FU*K OFF your one igorant c**t nice pups big e all the best with them only jesting skull np you muppet lol
  16. then FU*K OFF your one igorant c**t nice pups big e all the best with them There one for sale big skull why dont you take it where you not looking something out off the lucas dog????? whos sellin what or where is it son
  17. then FU*K OFF your one igorant c**t nice pups big e all the best with them
  18. right bundle of crabbers on here thank god im not like them
  19. probly not but plenty shite over the pitches :laugh:
  20. black and tan is 8 mths and the other two are 5 mths time flys what about the rest of the litter big e dont know about the 2 went to england , a fella not far from me has a dog pup its very finely built,wee g on here has a red pup from the litter , he has to let all his dogs go due to personal reasons , so id say he be looking a good home for it mate hi mate whats those pups outta lucas and what nice pups and youve done them well atb with them
  21. you any more photos of hares there for phillpot f*****g dickhead
  22. £50 is plenty for any pup and if you get it for nothing all the better
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