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About keeper1

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  • Gender
  • Location
    scottland/west yorkshire
  • Interests
    working dogs

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  1. To imagine that raptors purely present a problem from the amount of birds they predate shows a crass lack of understanding from a man who has never driven birds as their livelihood,If raptors have such a little impact why are the NGO encouraging applications from keepers to cull buzzards? It would be better to ask the question as to why there are so many buzzards? The answer could be that they have protected status or there are vast numbers of surplus artificially reared game birds present in the countryside. Road kill and easy pickings. As to having a crass lack of understanding,Then p
  2. To imagine that raptors purely present a problem from the amount of birds they predate shows a crass lack of understanding from a man who has never driven birds as their livelihood,If raptors have such a little impact why are the NGO encouraging applications from keepers to cull buzzards? It would be better to ask the question as to why there are so many buzzards? The answer could be that they have protected status or there are vast numbers of surplus artificially reared game birds present in the countryside. Road kill and easy pickings. As to having a crass lack of understanding,Then p
  3. To imagine that raptors purely present a problem from the amount of birds they predate shows a crass lack of understanding from a man who has never driven birds as their livelihood,If raptors have such a little impact why are the NGO encouraging applications from keepers to cull buzzards? It would be better to ask the question as to why there are so many buzzards? The answer could be that they have protected status or there are vast numbers of surplus artificially reared game birds present in the countryside. Road kill and easy pickings. As to having a crass lack of understanding,Then p
  4. My thoughts exactly ,when do we ever get any credit for the other wildlife that benifits from the work we do with game birds. Im afraid the average person only has the information pumped out by the bbc and RSPB and they often take this info as gospel. Maybe we as the shooting stalking hunting community should contact all our shooting associations and collectively produce a massive media campaign and get the truth out there once and for all, it has to be educate the public in the ways of the countryside not the ways of countryfile. Oh well another wee rant over. we will keep los
  5. how come we are alwase made out to be criminals. people selling crack on street corners get les coverage and hassel. and if they are on tv it leaves you fealing sorry for the poor lost soles!!! how come we never get the recognition for the hard work and time we put in to make the country side what it is. keepers are or should be verry passonate about ther work whitch is more than just a job mabby the bbc should be educateing the narow minded people who think they no what happens in ther weekend playground. and not the real benifits we bring to the countrside. or maby the bbc should leave us a
  6. Got it recording mate going to watch it later wont say out and spoil it for you then lol
  7. no mater [bANNED TEXT] generation you look at ther has been idiots young and old. dont see [bANNED TEXT] the diffrence is now? ther is young idiots about now and old idiots to. alwase has been and alwase will. but its the younger ones who get the s@*t
  8. keeper1


    must not ov crossed the road at cockhill then? think it will be midgely moor its on at the moment if its around the windmils at the fiveflats. still ant got intutch with ne one out early in late at the mo. hope they get it out soon. the last big fire i was on with helicoptor it was makeing it worse with the down draft from the falling water. it took a week to put the peat out after the fire was out.
  9. keeper1


    wer is the fire near halifax i no the post started saying walshaw moor carnt contact the keeper on ther dose ne one no? dido.1 is right tho the fire fighters do a cracking job and take my hat off to them but [bANNED TEXT] it comes to moor fires health and safty come in to it and they just stand and watch. [bANNED TEXT] we was on withe the big fire nr the hirders they sed they couldnt do ne thing unles lifes wer in danger but it did enoy them!
  10. the neighbouring keeper has been to a earth to day and the cubs have moved on but he said by the amount of stuff around the hole they must be 7 or 8 week old. going around the holes monday hopefuly
  11. still burning just been to one hole on boundary this morning but with dog but nothing few holes on moor scrated out so hopefuly soon
  12. hi just wondering if ne one had had a litter of cubs yet and maby we could keep a update on the next few months a head be interesting to no. especaly the gap between south and north litter times. looking forward to the time a head and yes its my job to control foxes before people start to have a go every thing has its place and im a strong beleaver in keeping sport wer it can be left
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