is it not about the chase/course that is memerable, not the catching, same as fishing the stalk, the bite, it's on, then for me it's all over. might as well put it back to catch another day
not much around here either didnt ferret my perm last winter not many rabbit thought i would let them breed still not any numbers about now what's going on something else killing them ? seems to be plenty of foxes i see more foxes than rabbits lately
i'm with skycat and matt 1979 on this i have saluki in my dog and yes they are king of the whingers i had to leave the marital bed for about a fortnight and sleep in next door bedroom just to keep the peace first dog ever kept in the house the wife going at me for the noise plus she doesn't like dogs anyway but at 21 months is an angel and it didn't help the litter brother to her never peeped or so the lad (i didn't believe him )said
a man's gotta do what a man's do to keep the peace
keep at it it'll get easier
it's something that you either know or dont, there's no in between best to go with an expert, all good and well taking a pocket guide but when it boils down to it do you want to die for a few dodgy fungie i only eat what i know be careful lads
i this does p*ss you off i normally ask them to put it on the lead falling that just hoof the dog i dont see why i should put up with wresling with the leader cos they cant be bothered and by now i'm right on my toes just in case they come over cos i've hoofed their dog
no two dogs the same even out of the same litter you could talk about this all day and night basicly choose what you fancy and get on with it lots of dogs on here look nowt but catch plenty i would never put a dog down without seeing it perform it's not what they look like once had a picture post card saluki 25 years ago i was better off running after the game myself so looks not everything as for brains every dog has it's day some are more cleverer than others an old poacher once told me when iwas young beware of the man with one dog was good advice looking in hindsight
so keep this topic g
tthanks for posting darrel going to check mine now just shows you what members of the public are like about guns you can't be too careful not like the old days when you threw your rifle into a cut off jeans leg and away to the tip for a bit of rat shooting keep safe mate we all know what a great lad you are
ps the hob i got off you last year is great
tested them springer was just a bit too close so cut a coil off ground it down and polished it now 777 fps and 11 . 1 ftlbs that's enough for me
is there anything for nettled feet on a dog was out this morning and at this time of the year there bloody viscious only 5/6" high the dog is lashing around the house turbo charged much to the wifes disgust
16 months now needless to say i'm getting grief off the wife at the size of her it's the first one ever to live in the house must of fed it too good to reach this size i think never mind she's here for life
how to guage the size i ask this because i;ve allways had small lurchers c x whippet beddy x whippets so in choosing the first dog for 5 years i went to see collie x whippet x saluki x whippet seen both parents dog was 23 ins bitch was 23 1/2 so bought the last bitch out of 10 pups told the wife 23 ins tops now bitch is 26 ins and is a big dog try getting near the fire but wouldn't swap her for the world so how do you gauge size it's going to grow to