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Everything posted by martin

  1. Looks bigger in the flesh mate,good luck with it.
  2. I usually clean them off and they sit on top of the cabinet in the front room,but he is a decent head so maybe Martin
  3. If you like that you'll love this..............
  4. I was sat in home having done a fair bit of prep for the next Farmers market and thought what the hell,so I took the dogs out for an early walk and popped over to a bit of permission I have on the Mendips looking for a decent Buck that I saw a couple of weeks ago while out with Foxdropper off the forum.I got there as the sun was on it's way down,and had to check zero on the rifle with a new load before I could get going,and with that done and more than satisfyingly I started off to where I thought this Buck might of been which is basically the far side of the permission.It was devilishly heavy
  5. You should look at SACS mate especially at that sort of price,cos BASC is £70+ although I am not sure about NGO....SACS is a very good organisation and also includes 'Legal Cover' have a real good read before making your mind up. Martin
  6. I'm not sure who told you that BASC offers 'Legal Cover' but you are very sadly wrong,they offer absolutely no legal cover at all !
  7. Very very good mate,well done and I can see a lot of commissions coming your way!
  8. Where are you bud,and how much do you want to spend? PM me
  9. Great Glen,that is the first one I have seen you actually shoot mate,why did you decide to to leave that part in......just out of interest,I don't think it detracts from it in any way mind,it's just different to your normal work,which is all brilliant mate!
  10. http://www.valefirearms.co.uk/sales_sheet.htm
  11. He obviously had a clump on the chest so he shouldn't be lame too long,and as for the 'Slash' 3/4" isn't really in the slashed mate that's a scratch,this is a slash........... Just keep an eye on the wound to make sure you have sealed any germs inside mate.....the joys of running dogs eh?
  12. How old is the Dog mate,just out of interest,and here's a pic of my Mike Brown Whippet,she's 5 now and still hot...........
  13. You put the deer scarers on the bumper of your truck and they make a weird sound that helps stop deer walking out in front of you,I think they are a Canadian idea.
  14. I hope you get some good news bud I know what your going through. Martin
  15. I think you'll find these are pure brazilians......
  16. Hi Bob,I use the U-caller remote and it has worked when nothing else was working,but,none of them work all the time mate and luckily I do always carry my hand with me everywhere I go.....lol here it is.........
  17. Is it in here........ https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=LACS+fox&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=w8x&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&prmd=imvns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=GWAZUIWgB8a80QW_wYGoCA&ved=0CGMQsAQ&biw=1721&bih=796
  18. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Adobe-Photoshop-Extended-Cs5-Full-Retail-Edition-Brand-New-And-Sealed-65073432-/150868183363?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item232071c943
  19. Good luck is something foreign to me Cleanspade mate,so it was a BIG shock.....lol but the rut is close I hope. Martin
  20. What are you a fecking school kid or something,if he has kids that play in the garden and some pr1ck is shooting into his garden then he should definitely phone the law...........fecking grass......I've heard the fecking lot now!!
  21. I was out this evening with a mate for a stalk and to see if the rut had actually started,so we set off for a bit of land on the Mendips that I haven't be to for a little while. We were soon pulling into the field as there was little traffic about,and 'FD' saw a Deer immediately in a gateway across the field so we were definitely confident of some action.We got set up and headed over to where 'FD' had seen the Deer and ensconced ourselves in a hedge line for a 'Pheep' with the Buttulo caller,but it turned out to be a no show,so we carried on across the farm checking each field and hedge line a
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