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Everything posted by martin

  1. I had to take a pic of this numpty in the supermarket,but it was hard to focus cos I was laughing so loud!!!!!! You've got to wonder aint you!
  2. I spent a lovely afternoon across the valley in a small dingle as I like to call it above the Market garden,it is a great place to unwind just sitting under a bush waiting for something to happen or not whichever.I could spend hours and hours over there it is so peaceful,and i did just that as nothing was moving at all,and as I said I wouldn't be too long I decided to get on home,but as I nipped under the fence into the adjoining 'dingle' I noticed a russet body right at the top by the hedgeline,so I got to a point that I could lie down to have a proper look and it turned out to be one of the
  3. I will make this as succinct as possible but I left my handmade knife on the back bumper of the feckin' truck,but this time it didn't have a strap so it is now officially history!! I really loved that knife and you know what it's like when you get used to a knife,and I'd had it probably 5 yrs,and it was like a razor,01 tool steel and made by JES. I feel bereaved to be honest,here is a pic of her.......... A very sad Martin
  4. Cheap scope bud,god luck getting rid,it shouldn't take long. Martin
  5. martin

    Feck it!

    Yes Ula hasn't slowed down any mate,but she does have a habit of hunting up because her nose is exceptional,and as a by product I have used her to find lost deer after running on after a shot. Martin
  6. martin

    Feck it!

    I now know that you can weld cast,but not till I had already paid for a new one....bummer! I did try EvilBay Bob,but the only one that I could find was with two mincers and a load of spares and I just couldn't get him to sell me just the locking ring,still you live and learn don't you eh? Martin
  7. martin

    Feck it!

    I guess I'm a lot stronger than I thought I was,I've just snaped the locking ring on my Hobart mincer......... Snapped like a bit of toffee ! I've had to get one shipped over from USA,but,luckily it is still over £100 cheaper than getting one over here. Martin
  8. Coccidioisis is nothing to do with Mixy,and neither is it Fluke which is spread by small snails that have a parasitic host,all of these maladies have no bearing on the edibility of the meat,not even Mixy,although I have to say i wouldn't fancy eating a badly Mixied Rabbit,but that is a personal thing only. Martin
  9. Get him some Lamb bones off the butcher bud,much better for him and plenty of jaw exercise too.... Or Rabbit heads......
  10. That's just what I was thinking,but maybe 2 months and 11 days.
  11. Oh,and this one of course...... Martin
  12. Great video again Greg mate. Martin
  13. I find that there are more tapeworms when there's sheep around,was that the case with you Bob?
  14. I shot a rabbit last night that was outwardly in exceptional condition to say the least,but,when it came to paunching it this is what I found........a big bugger too! Martin
  15. Where are you Jasper maybe I could sort out your problem?
  16. Me and my Whippet seem to be having a contest...... 'Ula' Me
  17. Pah - these trophy hunters :cray:Ohh-er mate - he's nice. Hope there's space on your wall for another medal... And this from 'Mr.Medal'
  18. Snap when you say you are doing a course on it mate,where do you do the course,and would you PM me cos I might lose the thread mate. Cheers....Martin
  19. If you have sawdust in the run it might be that if it is hardwood sawdust. Martin
  20. 308 cal is one of the most versatile of all rounds Jock and if you reload you can make it great for almost any sort of shooting you will encounter in this country.I do shoot a .243 though and when the money allows I shall be filling a slot on the FAC for a 7mm 08 for all Deer and Boar.
  21. Cheers mate,you never know,I'll have to save up though......lol Martin
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