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Everything posted by georgebrown

  1. i own a dh x gh gafer never had 1 problem with it one of the best dogs I've ran ... so i totally agree with ya
  2. good vid..i no some of the people well
  3. both of mine are 28 tts and are both heavy dogs...biggest around my way
  4. George whats karlas lines,cheers. supposedly 3/4 Scottish deer 1/4 grey back over a pure Scottish deer but there was a whisper that she was a pure bred dog
  5. karla...the mother of my bitch 34 tts
  6. woke up this-morning thought I'd have few hours ferreting around my doors...i got to the first set and my dog picked up a mixy rabbit..i thought this is going 2 be good "not" lol anyway netted up..few Min's 1 bolted everything is good THEN another bolted about five Min's later followed by 2 little tiny squealers..."oh" unbelievable so gathered my nets up and off 2 another set 100 yards down..put the ferret in and pop another 3 squealers...that's it am away home..my god lads this weather is total ball's
  7. every one is intitled 2 do [bANNED TEXT] they want with there own dogs in my experience it doesnt do nor more or no less to the dogs i bred...as i kno cos there myn
  8. my deer/grey is 3yrs and my saluki/grey is 2yrs theres a few pics on my profile if you want to take a peek...as i havnt found out how 2 put pics on here..new 2 this forum
  9. i was just wondering..i have 3 dogs a saluki/grey 2nd x (dog) and a deer/grey (bitch) also a saluki/grey x deer/grey which were out of my 2 dogs...i am very succesful day and night with my dogs....i'm wondering [bANNED TEXT] other peoples opinion is on these crosses
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